chapter 18

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"What's that thing on your stomach?"

"What?" Oma asked and hit her stomach by reflex action, thinking there was an insect.

"That mark." Asa said, pointing.
She was on her bed, watching Oma dress up.

"Oh." Oma said when she saw the mark Asa was talking about. She wasn't comfortable with Asa watching her dress up at all. Immediately she'd returned from the bathroom, Asa had dropped her phone and had begun to watch her. It was weird and really really uncomfortable. Now she was making remarks on her C-section scar.
"It's from an appendicitis surgery I had."

"Then why is it in the middle?" Asa insisted and Oma could feel her blood rising. "Isn't the appendix supposed to be at the right?"

Oma quickly put on a shirt to conceal it. Why couldn't this girl just mind her business? No one else had ever seen her naked since after her delivery and the idea of anyone realizing she'd ever been pregnant had never crossed her mind. So much for having a roommate. She wished she could be just like Asher and live on her own.
Maybe she should have told her it was a wound. It wasn't exactly a lie. It actually was a wound.

"I also had a wound there recently." She added, looking at Asa for the first time and she wished her roommate would just stop bothering her with questions. Asa Just sat there, her back on the wall and her legs crossed, the look on her face read "I don't believe you at all."

"Then why isn't there a scar on the right. From when you had the appendicitis operation?" She probed further and Oma didn't think she could get more irritated.

"Okay. I never had an appendix operation." She seethed. She dressed up quickly after that, hoping to get out as fast as she could from Asa and her questions.

" My aunt has that same scar on her stomach as well. From when she had a C-section."

"So what? You think I had C-section? Then where's the baby. Do I look like someone that has given birth?" She answered harshly, but deep down, she felt like jelly.

Asa didn't say anything. She laughed for a whole minute.
"How will I think you've given birth? With this your fine shape. Your tummy is even flatter than my own and I'm always working out."

She felt relieved. So she laughed along with her and let it slide.
She carried her bag and made to leave their room.

"Wait for me. When did school start sweeting you?" Asa exclaimed and sprang up from her bed.

Oma sighed. "You haven't even bathed. Why did you sit there since watching me since you wanted to follow me?"

"It's only seven. School starts by eight. Be patient." She carried her toilet bag in the process and rushed out, not giving oma a chance to object. " Just sit down. I'll be back before you know it."

Exactly two minutes later, Asa was back.
"Are you sure you bathed at all?" She asked surprised.

"I did. It's a gift. I told you I won't waste time." She flung her towel away and began to apply her cream. The girl had nice skin. She was fair, although not as fair as Nathi. And she was really hairy. She didn't look like she'd shaved any part of her body in a whole year.
Asa had muscles. She looked just like a man but with a very feminine face. They looked so weird on her. She wondered how she'd have been if she had had no muscles. Maybe she'd have been like Nathi. Maybe not.

"Why do you exercise so much?" She asked.

Asa paused her furious cream rubbing and looked at oma through the mirror.
"When I was the one asking the questions you were angry with me abi? You see how inspiration comes when you're not doing anything".

Too Good to Be RealOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora