The Young Forrest

Start from the beginning

Ban is finishing a sentence that I didn't hear any of. I look at Jericho again, and her head darts back. Wait why did I look back?? What's wrong with me its barely been a few seconds since I looked!

We all start walking away, and we find King up on a rock calling Ban a savage.

Ban: "Hey, who are ya callin a savage? Are you okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost."

King comes down and apologizes.

Ban: "As soon as I'm done here, I'm leaving this Forrest. I'm gonna find a way to bring Elane back to life."

(Y/N): "Ban I'll come with you, you know you can be an idiot sometimes, so who's gonna have your back while King's off taking a nap?"

Ban: "This has nothing to do with you, but since I actually like you, fine."

Jericho: "Well if they're going, I'm coming too!"

Ban: "Why?"

Jericho freezes and gets a light blush for just a moment.

Ban: "Ah. Fine, you can come too I guess."

King asks if Ban has tried getting any help from the team, but Ban just doesn't care.

Ban: "Look, I'm done with the Seven Deadly Sins, got it?"

I wink at King, and he understands. He knows I always have a plan.
King stops arguing.

Ban: "Just go back to the Tavern, You have someone waiting for you."

King: "Wait, really?"

Ban: "Yeah, remember?"

(Y/N): "Diane?"

King: "Not that again, you won't fool me with that lie twice!"

Ban: "No, I'm tellin the truth."

I'm bored of watching these two banter, so I ask Jericho if she wants to explore or something.

She hesitates, then nods her head.

We start to go off to a branching path, but Ban notices.

Ban: "Hey, where are you two lovers off to?"

We both freeze for a second. Wait did she like me? It would make sen- anyway, I gotta save us from this.

(Y/N): "J-Just off to ex-plore. Tha-ats all!"

Ban: "Mhm." He continues walking. "Only when drunk . . . Ha ha."

We look around for a good place to head off to, and decide on the one we were originally heading to.

(Y/N): "Sooo, Jericho, uh, why are, why were you following us?"

Jericho: "Because you saved me! I owe you my life!"

(Y/N): "Woah, you dont owe me anything, Jericho, I was just saving you."

Jericho: "But you could have easily killed me! But you didn't, yo- you saved me."

Wait she just stuttered. Heh. Perfect opportunity to tease.

(Y/N): "Did you just stutter?" I laugh a little.

Jericho: "No, Besides, you've been stuttering all day!"

Well shit.

(Y/N): "No no, I only stutter when I'm drunk."

Jericho: "You expect me to believe that you've been drunk that whole time, but never acted like it?"

(Y/N): "Uh, okay. You got me. I-Im not drunk."

We find a nice, flat, big rock that we can sit on and relax.

(Y/N): "So, Jericho, why'd you grab my arm when the fog came up?"

Jericho: "I already told you, I didn't want to get separated."

(Y/N): "Okay, but mine was the farthest away. Why did you really grab my arm?"

Jericho freezes up for a moment.

Jericho: "Well why were you staring at me??"

(Y/N): "I could ask you the same thing."

She gets a small blush.

Jericho: "Because I thought you had something on your face?"

I laugh and lay down.

(Y/N): "Woah, Jericho, look! You can see stars even though its day!"

She comes over to me and lays down right next to me.

(Y/N): "So how are you gonna explain this one?"

She looks at me, freezes as she realizes what she's done, and tries to speak.

Jericho: "I-it's the c-cle-clearest spo-spot!"

Just to see what would happen, no other reason at all, just, JUST, to see what would happen, I put my arm around her.
She freezes and Blushes instantly, before we look into each other's eyes.
Okay I lied. I put my arm around her for way more reasons than to just see what would happen.

I move in. Closer, closer, closer.

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