Training Time

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Passing his own credit card he grabbed from his wallet he gave it to the old man and placed in the pin needed for payment. Once it was done he grabbed the suitcase and placed a temporary charm that made it smaller. He fast paced back towards the bank and went back towards Nico, "Done?" Nico asked grumpily at being alone at such an unknown place.

Draco nodded, both stood up and went back to their quest of controlling their hunger.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco waved the old camera he found around. Nico was by his side with his new pocket home dangling on a makeshift necklace that Draco made for him. Both were in the entrance of one of the caves that King Minos told them about. He shared that old mortal cameras helped with travel while in the labyrinth. Draco didn't know how a camera would help with travel but whatever floats Minos's boat.

The entrance was in a park near New York, it was very late in night, and Draco swore he could see the small building of the big city from there. He ensured that there was some prepared food and water for they did not know how long they would take in the labyrinth. There where times when Draco would hear stories of those that traveled and were never seen again after leaving with nothing but their weapon. It's hard to know whether they died by becoming monster food or by starvation/dehydration.

One thing was for sure, Draco was going to teach Nico everything that he knew about their powers, he wanted to ensure that Nico practices safely and not suffer the fuck ups like he did. He wouldn't listen to him about going to their father for help, but he didn't really expect them to have a good relationship either.

Draco also wished to try and convince Nico to give the camp a chance, maybe he could point out the things that he learned in camp and get Nico interested in learning something.

Anything at that point really.

He snapped out of his head when he almost tripped by a rock. Cursing to himself he saw that Minos was talking to Nico again. He always did that, getting each other separate to talk to them, he had another motive with Nico and he didn't appreciate that.

He had the same feeling with his "Uncle Sevy" when he was younger, they might have a better relationship now, but it did take some time for it to be what it was today.

He walked towards Nico, interrupting Minos speech as he signed, 'Wanna learn how to fight? I was taught since I was six, so I know my stuff.' After reading the Greek words, Nico nodded, Draco smiled behind his mask he found something that interested his brother.

'Do you have a sword?'

Nico surprisingly said yes, that was weird, Draco didn't remember giving him any weapons (which was also dumb of him, demigods should ALWAYS have a weapon with them), the sword that he pulled was long and silver. There were a few hints of black on the sword though, it looked like the night sky. Nico must've seen the look of confusion of his body language as the kid explained that the sword was given to him by their father.

Draco won't admit the sudden flare of emotion that he had, he pushed it down, he wasn't jealous of his own brother.

He was not.

'That's nice, I'm glad that at least he does work for something!' He bitterly signed, Nico let out a small laugh at that before he asked what he was going to learn.

'Stands, you need the appropriate stands when battling, it could become your demise if you're not careful with it.'

"What kind of stands? Is it a combination of old and new moves over the years? How long does it take for me to learn?" Nico rambled on with question after question, he patiently waited until Nico was done to answer him. 'There's some Roman and Greek stands that have been passed down by the years, media did have an influence on them so most of them are modernized. They should be easy with our reflexes and how our brain is practically wired to fight. Practice does play a key in this as it took me years to learn them, I'm still learning now actually.'

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