A Rainy Match

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Soon all the other pixies were places back to the cage by Potter and his friends. And as soon as Potter putted the last pixie the bell rang.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Everyone was in a panic. Teachers were trying to calm the students after they had all come and see a horrifying message, 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened enemies of the heir.....beware.' It was written in what Draco presumed was blood making the threat much more terrifying. While in the crowd Draco noticed the twins glancing at him from time to time, so he carefully made his way to them. Once there the trio left the area to a more..calm place. "Draco we have something to tell you," the taller twin, Fred, said. Draco nodded as they glanced at each other in slight worry. "We saw Ginny leave her room, so we decided to follow her..." George trailed off.
"We decided to follow her and saw her write the message on the wall-"
"After that we tried to follow her but we lost track of were she went-"
""And we just wanted to tell you that you were right. The book needs to go,"" The both said in unison. Draco nodded and sighed so it has begun. Whatever his last Demi-God dream had tried to warn him about has now begun. "I'm sorry that you had to see your sister like that. I'll do anything I can do to take that book away from her, you have my word," Draco looked determined at the twins. They were his friends and he'll do anything he can to make sure they're alright.

After the message was written Draco spent more time at the library writing information down of what he could find in petrificating as so far, Flich's cat was the only thing that was left in the scene. Draco looked around his research in frustration things weren't adding up and Draco doesn't know how much time until the Not-Ginny strikes again with another message or attack. Draco sighed and looked over his bag in his frustration his quill has broke and almost ruined all of his notes. As he was searching his bag a folded sheet of paper fell down from his bag.

Draco stopped and looked over it, he doesn't remember putting anything in his bag. He grabbed the sheet and unfolded it, to see it was the page he had ripped from the book back when he was getting his supplies. He carefully looked over it and noticed it had information about petrifaction. He read as he noticed that it had a creature mentioned; a Basilisk. The creature that can kill by just their stare and has the most venomous fangs in the Wizarding world. Draco put two and two together Not-Ginny was using the Basilisk somehow but that was impossible as it was only loyal to the ones who speak Parseltounge... unless.. Draco grabbed his book and read it he looked at the sheet of paper and grabbed a new quill, and wrote everything down.

After writing everything Draco places the books back to their place and once he was going to place everything back to his bag someone came in the library. He quickly hid and saw it was Granger one of Potter's friends that came in. He stayed were he hid and saw her grab the same books he had just placed back into place. Maybe he could use this as a chance to her the information he had like last year... Draco quickly took the notes and wrote a small message, 'It's me again, I have some information you might need- Fe.'

He grabbed his wand and did a quick 'notice-me-not' charm on himself and quickly but carefully made his way to Granger. He quickly placed the page and note and placed them on her bag. Quickly getting out of the library as soon as he could, once outside he let out a breath he was holding and tried to find the twins, he had something that might help them with their sister.

Draco walked through the hallways when he heard someone crying. He looked around and saw no one near him, so he tried to follow the crying at the best of his ability to end up in an empty restroom. He quietly made his way inside and asked, "Hello is anybody in here?" The cries stopped slightly, "I heard crying and I just wanted to make sure if you were alright." Draco said looking around the restroom when he heard something move from the stall closest to the wall. He made his way there and gently knocked on the stall door, "Are you in here?" He asked knocking a bit more roughly when the door opened. In there it was empty 'huh weird,' he thought as soon as he turned he saw someone with glasses right on his face. He flinched away with a slight curse and took noticed of the translucent figure in front of him.

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