Dueling Club

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Marcus let out a small whine, and Draco left him alone. He was glad Marcus didn't blame him for their lost and that they were still cool, he smiled as he saw at all the Slytherins doing dumb shit together.

And they say they were all evil.

Mean? Sure. Evil?

Nah not a chance

3rd Person P.O.V.


Draco opened his eyes and looked at the familiar darkness he remembered this please quite well. He was back with the familiar skeletons and snake skin.

The Chamber of Secrets

Draco stood up and headed to one of the walls for support, soon enough the placed lit up by the wall. He glanced around and saw the familiar figure coming inside the chamber. Draco focused on the wall behind the person. It...looked like....it was some sort of stairway or perhaps a slide. It must've been the only entry way to this chamber. He took a mental note to try and find out something about that later. Draco looked at the person, Not-Ginny, and followed them. They headed to the same way as they had before, and Draco noticed how this time there was a ghostly figure near her.

He crept closer to Not-Ginny and was able to see the form of a young man, he had robes on so he might have been a student. Draco walked in front of the ghostly figure and was met with a cruel grin. The ghost was looking at Not-Ginny with satisfaction as he started hissing. Draco noticed that as soon as the ghost started hissing Not-Ginny did as well. Draco looked at the ghost in alarm so this was the one controlling Ginny. A ghost. A ghost that was somehow connected to the book.

Draco looked at Not-Ginny and saw that she was already finished hissing at the wall, he turned around and saw part of the wall open up. And in there a pair of yellow glowing eyes was seen. Draco flinched when the eyes moved and so did its body. The figure slithered out of the whole and stood next to the ghostly figure. 'The Basilisk,' He thought. Draco turned to Not-Ginny and saw her drop the book with her eyes close. Draco on instinct kneeled down to grab the book but as soon as he touched it the ghost let out a horrific yell. He quickly tried to grab it but drop it by accident, reveling the front cover of the book.

When Draco tried to grab it again he stopped and looked closer at the front cover, 'Tom Marvolo Riddle.' Draco quickly stood up and stepped away from Not-Ginny and the ghost. Draco froze as he saw the ghost look at his way but not his way. "You!" The ghost hissed while walking closer to Draco. "YOU!" The ghost yelled as they pulled out what appeared to be a wand. Draco flinched and stepped away from the ghost, the ghost snapped his head at his direction, "Don't you dare escape!" The ghost yelled, wand pointed at Draco. "AVADA KEDAVRA-"


Draco woke up with a startled gasp, he sat up and clutched his shirt. He waited until he recuperated his breath and looked around. He was in his dorm, he was safe. He looked at his friends as they fell asleep on the floor, his friends were here, he was safe. Draco quickly took out his dream jornal and wrote what he dreamed about.

Once he was finished he grabbed his uniform, his wand, and some underwear and headed to the bathroom. He unglamoured himself and took out his mask and sweaty clothes, gloves included. He placed the clothes on the basket for dirty laundry and headed to the shower, wand still in hand. He turned on the water and left it cold, he took out the shampoo and conditioner placing them both on his hair and resting his hands on the wall, water pouring on his head.

The name Myrtle had given him was the name of the owner of the book. The ghost haunting the book was Tom Marvolo Riddle. Why would Lucius have that book if it belonged to someone who could possibly be old enough to be his grandfather? Draco sighed and turned of the shower. Drops of water dripping of him, he gave one last sigh and left the shower to get changed. Once he had all of his clothes on he quickly dried his wand and casted 'Tempus' reveling it was barely 4:03 in the morning.

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