Mrs. O'Leary STOP!

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He went to follow the Godly presence and as he approached closer he realized it wasn't a god at all, but instead a monster.

But it wasn't just any monster, it was Mrs. O'Leary.

Draco sighed in relief when he saw who it was, Mrs. O'Leary barked and ran up to him before looking down on him to lick his face before a gasp was heard. They both looked towards the place that the gasp came from to see Blaise Zabini therewith his mouth agape and eyes wide.

"What—" He shushed him as soon as he spoke and raised my hands up in a calming manner. "Hey, it's okay, she's friendly—"

"DRACO GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!" he yelled which made Mrs. O'Leary growl at the tone.

Footsteps were heard and Draco could only sigh when everyone in their class made their way to see what was up. As soon as they did they could only hear the gasps that they let out as they saw who it the monster was after.

Hagrid made his way through the crowd and got to them, "Comin' threw'!"

Hagrid's mouth dropped as he stared at Mrs. O'Leary and then at Draco and the frozen Blaise who was away from them. In slow motion he said in a low voice, "Imma need yeh ter not mov'." In which Blaise responded by moving and running away towards the crowd to ensure he was away from the hellhound's point of view. This cause Mrs. O'Leary to think they were playing and move towards the students in which Draco quickly casted a spell that brought the biggest stick towards him. Getting it with his hand he waved the giant stick around, it did what it was supposed to do and got the hellhound's attention.

"Here Mrs. O'Leary want the stick? Yes, you want it. Yes, you want," he positions his body in a way that made him easily throw the stick away like a spear, "GO GET IT!"

Mrs. O'Leary jumped up and ran away from the group of students into the forest while everyone sighed in relief at the 'beast' leaving them alone. Draco lamented the fact that he couldn't spend some time with the hellhound due to wizards getting in the way.


Draco and a disguised Sirius walked through the castle as they went towards the Chamber of Secrets that was in the girl's second floor bathroom. Greeting Myrtle, a simple hello they went their way down and into the place that they guessed that Harry would follow them towards. In there they left the door to the chamber open for others to join as they descended.

Once they were down there, they stayed in another corner and stayed there for a while for Harry to arrive which he then took down his wand and started to practice some spells.

"Reparo!" Draco yelled while looking at some cracks on the dungeon while setting some brooms down where he got to work. Just when Harry had lost interest in what he was doing, he sent a spell that made Harry drop the map which then conveniently was grabbed by his 'dog' and brought to him.

"What's this?" he faked a thoughtful expression while petting Sirius's dog form and letting praises out of his mouth before he looked over the map. It was a dirty yellow in color and appeared like any ordinary old map, with the black letters of being up to no good there written down on the map. "Hmm," he hummed while placing the map on with his suitcase and putting everything away.

He ignored the stare that he felt from the chamber all the way to his room.


It fair to say that Harry had violent tendencies that had not been treated and will probably never will be. Draco rubbed the bruise that Harry threw at him after winning at Quidditch practice and rubbing it on his face. He ignored the part of him that wanted to hit the boy back with ten times the force for harming him, but stopped himself when he heard whispers down the hallway.

In there, Draco used his detective skills and went up towards the bathroom that held a guilty looking Sirius and his nephew. Draco looked towards his bag and pulled out his mask while dropping his charm and going inside.

"What's going on here?" he asked as he saw the two corner each other like wild animals. It was then that he noticed the audience that they had as he looked over at Hermione and what she had in her hand.

It's quite a feat to use a time turner.

Something so looked up towards due to how unique and rare they were. To know that it was being used just so that a simple witch could attend her classes was laughable. At the same time, it made him think, if someone could easily use that to act in stuff, then do the fates really have that much power over time as they say they do?

Draco is not saying that their weak, but simply wondering if the time turner truly works in the ways that it should. He looked at the time turner he had in his hand and ignored the shouts of STOP and spells shot from the people behind him.

"Instead of going after me, you should go after that damned rat," he hissed at Lupin, who had just gotten there, where he held a transformed Sirius in his hands. Pinning him down as he held his wand up to him threateningly. It was then that Draco held the time turner and broke it to the ground while stealing a big piece from the ground and going towards Sirius with his wand.

"Do you trust me?" he told Harry as Harry looked at him with a shocked and hurt expression at having dear Felix being on the side of the prisoner that killed his parents. "Yes..." a defeated looking Harry said as he placed his wand down and let the masked Draco go.

This made Draco raise his wand and say, "Accio: Peter Pettigrew!" and soon everyone watched as a simple fat rat came towards him as it transformed and showed a smelly unhygienic man that many could consider him the rat man for his appearance.

The man, Pettigrew, let out a yelp as he was thrown to the floor for his looks as the spell couldn't contain him and froze as he saw the multiple wands that held him. "Accio: Peter's wand!" Professor Lupin said while extending his hand once he has gotten out of his shock at his supposedly dead best friend being alive and well.

"What have you done?" Lupin whispered and soon he set a knock back spell that knocked out Peter and Sirius while pointing his wand at the masked Draco.

"Who are you?"

A/N: this is the las chapter I'm writing today since I had it up in my documents, and I needed to make some space. Hope you liked it and see you in the next chapter!


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