Quidditch Sabotage

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He grabbed a tiny textbook he had in the bottom of his bed covered with both his pillow and his bed sheets. He wrote down his Demi-God dream and placed it back; he started to get ready.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco sighed once classes were over, today was the day of the first Quidditch Match; Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Draco was slightly worried since in his typical 'bully mode' he had going one he managed to get Potter onto the Quidditch team, him playing the seeker. He had a bad feeling in his gut that something was going to be wrong. As the match finally begins, Draco's ADHD seems to get the best of him and he lets his eyes wonder around the stables. As his eyes traveled to the teachers seats, he discovers that both his 'godfather' and Professor Quirrell are missing. He tenses slightly and starts looking around for the teachers when he notices his 'godfather' with his wand out eyes focused at something. He follows his view and see that he's looking straight at Potter.

Draco noticed that when Potter caught sight of the snitch his broom started going wild. Draco heard the loud gasps of the audience. He remembers in one of his flying lessons he was forced to take by the Malfoy's that the only way for a broom to lose control like that was with dark magic. His traveled furiously trying to find Professor Quirrell until he finds him. Before he could shoutout a stunning spell he heard a female voice yell something and the next thing he knows his 'godfather' was lit on fire fully distracting Quirrell. Letting Potter gain control of broom once more. Draco then saw Potter was speeding towards the ground when the crowd saw him clap his hand to his mouth as though he was about to be sick – he hit the pitch on all fours – coughed – and something gold fell into his hand.
"I've got the Snitch!" Potter shouted, waving it above his head, and the game ended in complete confusion.


Draco went into his dormitory when in there he saw Marcus on sitting on the ground close to his bed. His knees up to his chest, Draco sighed knowing he was like that for losing their first Quidditch Match against the Gryffindor's. He spotted Lucas's cat, Elizabeth the 3rd, on his own bed. He went up to her grabbed her gently and went to Marcus. "Here," He said carefully hanging Elizabeth over to Marcus. Marcus let out a small 'thanks' and changed his sitting position to let Elizabeth be on his lap. He started petting her. Both males stayed quiet the only sound of the room being their breathing and Elizabeth's soft purrs. "Look," Draco started. "I understand that you feel down because you lost," Marcus opened his mouth to refuse, but Draco silenced him. "And that's normal but losing a game shouldn't matter so much. If you feel like it should since you're the future captain or whatever. Know that this was only one game that you've lost this year. Even if you lost the first time doesn't mean that it's the end of the world, you have other matches to win or lose. This one shouldn't bother you to much, besides if it makes you feel better we've won more times against the Gryffindor's than they had," Draco playfully punched Marcus's arm. Marcus let out a slight chuckle and let out a grin, "Yeah you're right, this shouldn't matter that much. Thanks Drake." Marcus smiled placing Elizabeth on Draco's lap and leaving the room on a much better mood. After Marcus left Lucas came in, "You got him in quite the good mood, didn't ya?" Lucas asked slightly smirking. Draco smiled and said, "What can I say I'm good with words." Draco shrugged petting Elizabeth the 3rd.

"Here," Draco said. "Have your pussy back," Draco grinned slightly running out of the room after tossing Elizabeth to her owner. "HOW DARE YOU CALL HER MAJESTY A PUSSY! COME 'ERE YOU!," Lucas yelled chasing Draco.


Draco panted slightly as he finally got away from Lucas. He sighed and looked around to see himself in a random classroom. He glanced around the room and noticed the lack of light. He went and grabbed his wand, only to realize he left it on the dormitories. He groaned and wished that they were some kind of light. All of the sudden the whole room lit up with candles. He glanced around the room feeling a slight chill up his spine. He looked around and noticed the lack of candles and that the room somehow lit itself up. He shrugged and looked around when he noticed a white sheet on the floor. He went towards it and grabbed it accidentally pulling it more. Making it fall of completely. There he noticed a mirror, it was facing the opposite of him so he turned around and saw the familiar design. The mirror he saw in his dreams, The Mirror of Erised.

Draco looked up to the mirror and saw the same thing he saw on his dream

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Draco looked up to the mirror and saw the same thing he saw on his dream. His mother. She was wearing the same thing he remembered her always wearing. She had her hand on his shoulder and was smiling at him. His heart clenched painfully and his eyes watered at the sight of the smile he so wanted her to have when she saw him. He felt himself longing for her to hug him like he had seen other mothers do to their children. Not leave him alone and isolate him on his room. He wanted to see her eyes sparkle with joy and warmth when she saw him, and it the pure terror she had when she saw him kill things with a simple touch. He didn't want to hear her cry at night because someone else died because he touched them. Maybe If he was normal she wouldn't be afraid of him, maybe that way she wouldn't have left him. Draco didn't know how long he stayed their looking at his reflection playing with his laughing mother. Draco snapped out of his little fantasy when he felt the hand on his shoulder. He glanced up and saw his 'godfather' there. "Come Draco," He said. "There's nothing for you in here," Severus grabbed the white sheet and covered the mirror once more. He turned around and grabbed Draco's hand, leading him outside of the classroom.


Christmas came sooner than what Draco would of wanted. All of his dorm mates had decided to leave while he stayed at Hogwarts. He knew he wouldn't celebrate Christmas with the Malfoy's, they never did celebrate. After his encounter with the mirror (that Draco later learned was inside The Room of Requirement.) Draco went to Potter and challenged him into a duel after their bedtime. He told Potter to go to the area close to The Room of Requirement and went to sleep. Clearly knowing he left Potter discover The Mirror of Erised.

Draco saw himself in the same place he was last time he dreamed. He saw Potter and his friends yelling at Hagrid about what he can make the Quidditch accident. He rolled his eyes at them for thinking his 'godfather' was the one cursing Potter. When the scene changed and he saw them sitting down and telling Hagrid that his 'godfather' was trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone. He perked up when Hagrid reveles that only Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel were the only ones knowing where the stone is. His vision faded black, but he had all the information he needed.

Draco woke up and sat up on his bed. He wrote what he saw on his dream and started to think what he could do with what he knew. 'If Hagrid didn't believe Potter about his worries, what would I've done in his shoes?' He thought and realization came to him, 'I'll try to solve it myself.'

Draco hid one the library the sheet of paper he ripped about Nicolas Flamel on his hand. He overheard Potter and his friends saying who'll stay and search for information about the stone and Nicolas Flamel. He waited until they left agreeing that the girl, Granger was the one to look for the information. He went to the library and got the book he ripped the sheet from with a quick 'Geminio' he duplicated the page Incase he needed the information for the future and muttered 'Reparo' under his breath the ripped sheet becoming one with the book once again. He folded the bottom of the page and left a note inside. He waited for Granger to come and placed a quick 'notice-me-not' charm and left the book on her stack of books; leaving the library.

Aaannndd done! Well I sure did skip some things in here but give me a break I have to make sure I have both PJ series here as well as HP series. And have to make sure their isn't many plot holes in the story while the time scene making sense. Also, instead of Harry discovering the Mirror of Erised vía his invisible cloak. I made Draco give him some extra push to discover it himself (hope you don't mind that.) we'll see ya in the next chapter!


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