Going Home (to War)

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"What have you done?" Lupin whispered and soon he set a knock back spell that knocked out Peter and Sirius while pointing his wand at the masked Draco.

"Who are you?"

"No one you should be pointing your wand at," Draco said cheekily, "Especially if you want to keep it intact."

He looked at the unconscious Peter and hummed, "Would you actually be useful for once and get him to Dumbledore. Seeing him should make Dumbledore realize that Sirius Black is innocent. Gaining you back one friend, which isn't much, but it's better than none—"

Draco's speech was stopped when he saw Lupin's wand on his face. The face of the man was a dark one, and it annoyed him that after all he had done Lupin still didn't trust him. Before the older man could blink he grabbed the hand that had the wand and twisted it, making Lupin twist his arm painfully as he was put to his knees with the pain.

"I just helped you and this is the thanks I get? Be a better example for your friend's son, would you?" Draco tsked as his patience for everything was running thin. Harry came up to his point of view which Draco forced a smile for.

"Yes?" he asked the boy. "Let him go, it'll be better to explain what's going on before you react," Harry said which made Draco blink at the way the boy spoke. Seems like he really is growing up. He let go of Lupin, but still held onto the man's wand, just in case.

"Very well, I apologize for being to... harsh on you Mr. Lupin, but I don't take very well to people pointing their wands at me," Draco said as he let go of the man and put some space between them. Harry got closer to him with a nervous but determined expression, "Is that you? Fe?"

Draco nodded, "Felix, at your service," he gave a mocked bow. Harry relaxed a bit, "Why are you helping Black? Do you know something we don't?"

He just smiled which Harry was able to see due to his new mask. "Yes, I was able to figure out something about Mr. Sirius Black with the help of someone in his family asking some questions. You see, I was able to find the lack of trial of Mr. Black and found it weird as Dumbledore isn't someone known for not giving fair trials. He gave one to Mr. Malfoy, who was suspected to being a Death Eater of Voldemort, yet he couldn't give one to one of his known loyal followers of the Phoenix? Too suspicious."

"What did you do?"

"I did what everyone would've done, I broke inside Azkaban to interrogate him! I even make him swear on an oath of death if he didn't say the truth—"

"HUH!?" Draco looked back to an awoken Sirius and reinforced the spell on Peter while finally tying the man up and enchanting the ropes to ensure he couldn't escape by any means. "You're awake, that's good to know. We need you to hide, so I can work my magic with Dumbledore. So, turn back to that dog and return with Malfoy."

Sirius shook his head, "Not until you tell me about the supposed oath of DEATH that you make me do!"

"Big deal. It's not that it would've mattered if you lied. You would've died sooner or later in that prison cell. Besides, you turned out innocent and I broke you out, so forgive me for helping you out!" before Sirius could yell at him any longer he shushed him, "Not now, we can discuss this later as we need to explain to your godson and your... friend."

Sirius mouth shut close with a click, which made Draco go back to his explanation, "He was innocent and told me about that fact that Peter," he pointed at the fat, disheveled ginger. "—was actually alive and used his animal form to hide after his betrayal of James and Lily Potter. Guess he turned dark due to something you guys did as he sold the location of his dearest friend like nothing."

Lupin stayed quiet, but Draco could see the man trembling, "Don't worry, you'll have enough time to process this, but for now... Harry," said boy perked up at the mention of his name.


"Go to Dumbledore's office and give him this letter. Mr. Lupin, bring Peter with Harry and ensure that the students do not notice you. Here," Draco passed over the Marauders map, "—use this as I do not need it anymore, now that I've captured the man I wanted to get. Anyways," he gave a small wave, "Ciao~"

With that he took grabbed his portkey and teleported to Camp-Half Blood. In there he could see many people going around and preparing weapons and food. Many of the children and teens were training, sweating profusely as Chiron instructed them to fight and practice with one another.

He sighed as he made his way towards his cabin and met with Percy and Nico inside. "Sorry for being late, there was something I had to take care of first. Are you guys ready?"

The boys nodded and he took off his gloves and grabbed Nico's hand while Percy grabbed Nico's. "Then let's go," they teleported to the underworld to the Styx. Nico was sweating while Draco himself was fine, guess that Nico isn't used to teleporting with people. Not that he can blame him, it can be taxing to do so with two people, none the less three.

Percy walked forward as Draco went up to catch up with him, "Are you sure you're ready?"

Percy shook his head, "No, but it's not like we have much of a choice."

Draco examined the other Demi-god and saw that he was scared, he was hiding it well, but Draco had seen many like Percy pretend to be fine for the sake of others. He thought about it before he sighed, "Change of plans, I'll go with you."

Percy was shocked but shook his head no. "You don't have too, I'm sure we'll be alright if it's just me."

"We need the more secret cards we can get. I'm sure I have enough will power to not succumb to the Styx's waters. Can you trust me like I do you?"

Percy looked conflicted before he closed his eyes and sighed, "Okay."

With that both boys jumped to the waters of the Styx.

A/N: Let me just drop this and go... (thank Kate Bush for giving me strength to write this chapter cause shit is going to get wild.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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