Nico Should Get A Credit Card

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Sirius chuckled and nodded, "I would like that... grandpa." Draco flipped him off but sat down close to him anyways, it's time for deals to be made and plans to be thought.

He just hopes he doesn't regret opening up so quickly, Sirius isn't like Luke, right?

3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco made his way through the woods. He was back in America looking for Nico, they were able to IM and decided where to look for each other, but it was quite difficult to be able to find such a tiny person that wears all black, in a dark misty forest that belongs to your average horror film.

Draco stopped as he saw some light against tree branches from afar, was Nico there or was it something else? He approached quietly, watching his every step to make sure he didn't step on any of the discarded branches in the ground. Quickly making his way towards the light he began to see more clearly.

There Nico stood talking to a —what he could see— ghostly being. Nico was talking to them in a hushed tone. At the side of Nico, there he had boxes of happy meals all stacked up evenly. That made Draco wonder if Nico was going to use them for something that didn't require feeding thy self. He purposely stepped on a branch next to him a loud CRUNCH alerted Nico.

Nico looked back at Draco and relaxed a bit when he recognized him, Draco just waved and happily made his way towards his brother. Looking more closely to the ghost he could tell he was an old soul from many centuries ago, the clothes and old aura made that clear, was this the ghost that Nico told him about through IM?

Nevertheless, he sat next to Nico and looked up towards the ghost in question, 'Who are you?' He asked in glowing floating letters, the ghost looked at the written Greek words and looked at him, then at Nico. "Does the boy not speak?" The ghost asked unimpressed, Nico looked at Draco with hidden concern in his eyes, "He... does...?"

Draco shrugged and signed, 'Just practicing some of the stuff I told you about. I'm trying to become an Animagus since I've recently found out how to do it. So far, it requires me to have a weird tasting leaf in my mouth for a whole month, and if I open my mouth it smells absolutely disgusting. 0/10 wouldn't recommend.' Nico nodded in understanding as he told him stories of some teachers that he low-key respected from his school. Nico knows about Professor McGonagall's ability to transform into a cat. Draco let him believe that it was because of a godly heritage and not anything supernatural like wizards and witches. Lady Hecate doesn't want any other gods from knowing of her little side experiments.

"Right... now that the boy is here we may begin with our sacrifice." So that's why Nico had all the food, Draco hoped that Nico will at least eat one happy meal, the boy was practically skin and bones. He looked tired as well.. maybe he could gift him one of those suitcases that were an actual living space. As well as his own credit card! He could forge Lucius and Narcissa's signatures to make Nico share his vault with him. He should have Nico have access to everything he owned as well, yes he should do that since he's family...

"We should start by digging the whole up to summon one of the souls that will come. With my sword we may be able to do a soul exchange and gain information."

'I'll raise the beings that will help us dig the grave, can you do the enchantment?' Draco singed towards Nico. Nico nodded and stepped away from Draco as he pulled off his gloves, immediately some of the well kept grass wilted around Draco's feet. He stepped around uncomfortable and raised his hand in front of him. He noticed Nico sparing glances at his hands. Draco couldn't blame him looking at them, his hands without the gloves looked like the Symbiote from Spider-Man 3 crawled and stayed at his hands, he would be scared too. He made himself relax as he felt a pull in his gut and some of the graves rumbled as skeletal hands pierced through the dirty, slowly making their way up until the skeletons stood. Spines hunched over and teared clothing covering their skeletal bodies, fashion that Draco could recognize from the early 1900s. "Grab the shovels and dig a deep whole for us, please," Nico said once he notice the skeletons looking at Draco in question.

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