Lucius is acting suspicious

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Then his ghostly face appeared above Percy. "Get up, Yankee. Your friends are already above. We are approaching the entrance."

"The entrance to what?" Percy asked confused. He gave Percy a skeletal smile. "The Sea of Monsters, of course."


3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco looked back at the weird quest he had with his friends. Percy, Annabeth, and Draco got stuck with a creepy lady that turned both Draco and Percy into guinea pigs and were saved by Annabeth. Later they where able to travel and hear some sirens sing their song giving the gift of knowledge to both Draco (who only wanted to see if it was true or not) and Annabeth (the believer) by being tied up. There was a close call, but they made it to The Sea of Monsters where able to free Grover and the Golden Fleece. Met Luke once again, got a mask by him as a 'gift,' gave the Fleece to Clarisse came back to camp make Chiron come back and get his spot a camp counselor again, and made Thalia come back to life. The most craziest summer by far Draco didn't know if he liked it.

His summer was almost over and it was quite a surprise when he came home that the next day both Lucius and Narcissa came back from their 'trip.' Draco had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, so he sent Dobby to go to Potter and warn him about going back to Hogwarts. His gut instinct was proven right when Lucius actually decided to go with him to buy school supplies. The whole time Draco was tense about Lucius being close to him could you blame him he barely saw the man and suddenly he had an interest in being with him. Nah, not buying it at all. Draco was upstairs when there in all his glory was Gilderoy Lockhart, giving winks and smiles to his fans and announcing that he was to be the new D.A.D.A. Teacher at Hogwarts. Now just the sound of his voice was enough to make Draco cringe seeing his face every. single. day. At school will make Draco wish to burn the whole school to the ground while Lockhart was trapped in a classroom and screaming like a little girl for help. Now that was a thought that made Draco's hands twitch, maybe Lockhart could magically disappear like the previous D.A.D.A. teacher. Draco hid a smirk when he saw that the Weasley's and Potter has arrived. Lockhart immediately came to them grabbed Potter and made him seem as if he was a fan of him giving him a bigger push in the social scale probably.

"I see that you can't seem to stop looking for fame, ey Potter?" Draco sneered falsely when he came into view with Potter and his friends. "Oh knock it off, Malfoy," Potter said glaring at him. He was going to say something when his 'father' came into view, "So this is the Harry Potter everyone has been talking about?" Lucius voice drawled in a way that made Draco tense. "Can't say I expected much about the boy who killed You-Know-Who," Lucius said. Draco walked away leaving his 'fathers' side and looked through a random book he saw about the founders of Hogwarts. He skipped through most of the facts and went to the treasures of items that the founders have left somewhere in Hogwarts. From Rowena's diadem to Helga's cup he finally stopped when he started to read the facts about his house founder, Salazar Slytherin. As he read he felt as if the information in it would be useful, so he glanced around to make sure no one was looking and carefully ripped the page out folding it neatly and carefully putting it in his pocket. He went back to his 'father' as he was discussing or well insulting a certain Author Weasley. Draco mostly kept quiet and just looked at the two grown adults argue like children, it made him think of how the gods sometimes act.

Childish and stupid.

He glanced around and saw that apparently there was the new and final Weasley coming to Hogwarts, judging by the some of the school supplies on her hand. And he noticed Lucius place and item that slightly looked like a book on her bag. Draco looked away from the bag and to his 'father' they where leaving and just knowing that Lucius placed a random book on the female Weasley bag made Draco uneasy.


Draco was now on Hogwarts Express and as usual Lucius and Narcissa didn't say goodbye to him. Draco should've been used to them being gone for almost all of his life, but he can only fantasize what it'll be like to have a healthy family. He sighed and made it straight to an empty cupboard he doesn't have the strength nor the will to go bother Potter and his friends. Draco touched the mask he had on, it was the mask Luke gave him. Luke didn't really hate him even if they weren't on the same side but it doesn't mean that he didn't value the friendship that they had. It made Draco happy since some of the Luke he knew and proudly said he was his brother in everything but Blood was there. He always wore the mask after their encounter, and he didn't say who gave it to him when anyone asked he just wore it and everyone at camp got used to it. The mask somehow made him feel safe and it matched his personality at Hogwarts. A mask. Something he can hide and control who could see behind it. It was....a nice feeling....

Draco stopped touching his mask when he noticed Lucas and the other outside the door, they where looking around so he whispered a small, Alohomora and opened the door startling them. He chuckled lightly and said, "Are you perhaps lost? Do I need to call a Prefect?" They others just rolled their eyes and got inside, sitting down on the same spots they did when they were last here. "Hey man are you going to participate in Quidditch?" Marcus asked, slightly hiding the excitement in his voice. Draco eyes widen, "Shit! I totally forgot about that." He slapped his face for his forgetfulness. "Dude, how can you forget Quidditch?!" Almost everyone yelled. Draco rolled his eyes, "My summer was.....eventful I had every right to forget something not as important as of what was happening." Lucas gave him a slight grin, "Guess the one who struggled to survive was you ha, Drake?" He playfully punched Draco's shoulder. Draco rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah whatever." He said while pushing Lucas's hand away from him. The group went on talking and talking the rest of their way.


Everyone was soon back in Hogwarts waited until Dumbledore gave his speech and the new first years to be sorted. After that the group went back to their old room and started unpacking. "So, about Quidditch," Marcus started. Everyone looked at him sitting on their beds or the floor. "Is anyone in here interested in joining this year?" He asked glancing at the new second years. Most of them nodded the other shrugged, "Well the first Quidditch practice should be two days prior from now, and since your all my roomies. I thought I should tell you all." He said then looked at the ground slightly nervous. He glanced at Draco and asked, "Are you going to join this year? I mean I understand if you don't want to, but you have a good eye and we could use a new seeker and...." he trailed off. Draco raised an eyebrow then looked at his hands.

"Well I'm not to sure... if I wanna or.. will be good at it.." he trailed of rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit he wants to get rid off, Marcus looked at him in slight surprise. "Haven't you practice before on a pre-broom?" He asked, confused. Draco let a sheepish smile, "Er- well um.. no...? Well I mean my parents always wanted me to study and normally all the free time I had would be spend on homework or research and well I know the basics thanks to last year. And to be on the team so suddenly I don't think it's a good idea..."

Draco played with his sleeves for a bit before glancing at Marcus. He looked disappointed but at the same time he looked determined, "Well you have a good eye and you know the basics so I thinks that with the practices we have. You could do well on the team and maybe we could beat those Gryffindor's this year in the World Cup!" Marcus exclaimed excitedly. Everyone smiled at him and continued to unpack. Soon nighttime fell and everyone was sleeping, Draco let out a sigh as he couldn't fell asleep. He let out a small smile as he played with the beads on his camp necklace, then frowned at the thought of the strange actions of Lucius. He sighed once again and thought, 'This is going to be an interesting year, isn't it?' he closed his eyes and soothe his breathing, falling asleep after a while.

Aaaaannnnnddd done! Sorry this is so short compared to the other chapters but the next chapter is going to be a roller coaster ride! Also here is Draco with his mask I drew it myself so it might not be that good..

And can you believe it, I'm in the second book of HP and will now go to the third in PJO. See you guys in the next chapter!


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