Percy gets baptized

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Curiosity won and he kept his arms to his body he fell faster and faster until he got close to the other camper.

It wasn't Nico.

It was Percy.

Draco and Percy's body both landed roughly into the Black Mansion. Bodies tumbling on the old hard wooden floor, Draco's back banged against the wall as both his, and Percy's weight combined into the blow. He grunted in pain as he leaned upwards and checked around him when he heard glass breaking.

Draco turned around to meet the shocked— and slightly concerned— Sirius Black that dropped the bowl of dry cereal as he stared at Draco and Percy. Draco ignored him and used Sirius's shock to analyze the injuries that Percy had.

He had some second degree burns around his chest and his arms. His hair was slightly shorter as it was burned and some cuts on his face and legs from the explosion. His chest was moving. All in all, not waking up any time soon.

Draco stood up, dizziness hitting him as soon as he stood. He held on to the wall and placed his mask on his side.  Touching his face lightly, he drew his hand back and saw blood.


He sighed and looked back at Percy, who was still in the ground, unconscious to the world. He picked him up as best he could and practically dragged him along. Sirius snapped out of his shock and helped him, "Shit kid, a-are you okay? That's a dumb question look at you!"

"What happened? Who is this? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Sirius rambled on.

"No, I'm fine, that's Percy— he's my cousin on my fathers side— no hospital for me, I hate those places. Besides, I can treat myself just fine."

"Really?" Sirius said with and eyebrow raised, he was looking at the disheveled look of his burnt clothes and the blood that, with no doubt, covered him.

"Look if you wanna help me, help me by carrying him," Draco said in an annoyed tone as he, once again, dropped Percy to the ground. No hard feelings to Percy, but Gods was he heavy. Or am I just weak? Draco thought and looked at his hands for a bit before shrugging and grabbing Percy's arms. Sirius got to work and grabbed Percy's legs so that at the count of three, they both lifted him up and brought him to the bathroom. Draco insisted again and again that they didn't need medical help as he had enough experience to deal with what he could see, that and he didn't want to have a slight possibility of someone seeing him and recognizing him, even if he wore glamour there could be people that could recognize his aura or well, magical presence. That was not something Draco wanted to test out, thank you very little.

Draco sprinted to the kitchen looking at the covers for salt, ocean water was the best thing to heal Percy with, and it'll be best if he gets healed completely so that he wakes up faster, and they could go out to the labyrinth and join whoever else was there. He cursed the fact that he didn't have any coins with him, he wished that he could inform someone at camp that they were alive.

At last he was able to get an old bag of salt that the family left there —well Sirius and Draco bought it but that's not the point— he ran back to Percy and poured the salt at the little bit of water that he left on.

"WOAH WOAH— KId! You can't do that, that'll infect—"

Sirius was caught off with the winds of Percy slowly closing in at a faster pace than before. Draco looked back at his "uncle" and raised an eyebrow at him. "I know what I'm doing," he said before making the shower pressure higher, stopping it once the tub was filled to a certain level. He gently grabbed Percy's head and lowered it down under water, the few scorch marks on his face disappearing. He left him there and shut the shower curtains, turning around he told the stunned Sirius to get out of the bathroom. Taking that time to be able to fully inspect Percy's wounds once the water did its magic.

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