Thalia's Tree was WHAT?

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Quickly muttering a slight protection spell on his bag and placing it inside the sleeping bag. He headed outside and went to the shore, seeing the gentle waves and the smell of the ocean relaxing him. He hopped this summer was normal.
3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco was fighting along other campers against the bulls. They seemed to be coming from everywhere and the wall protecting the camp seemed to be failing. He stabbed, dogged, kick, and yelled warnings at the others when the bulls got a bit too close to his liking. Clarisse was yelling at them to get to the phalanx formation. It was a good idea. The few who were listening lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, locking their shields to form an ox-hide—and-bronze wall, their spears bristling over the top like porcupine quills.

Unfortunately, Clarisse could only muster six campers, himself included. The other four were still running around with their helmets on fire. Draco saw Annabeth running towards them, trying to help. She taunted one of the bulls into chasing her, then turned invisible, completely confusing the monster. The other bull charged Clarisse's line.

Draco slashed at one of the bulls weak points on their legs. Effectively crippling it and then stabbed its head, effectively killing it. Draco was going to go help one of the campers that got injured when he noticed something on the corner of his eye. Another bull.

The bull moved deadly fast for something so big. Its metal hide gleamed in the sun. It had fist-sized rubies for eyes, and horns of polished silver. When it opened its hinged mouth, a column of white-hot flame blasted out.

"Hold the line!" Clarisse ordered her warriors.

Whatever else you could say about Clarisse, she was brave. She was a big girl with cruel eyes like her father's. She looked like she was born to wear Greek battle armor, but Draco didn't see how even she could stand against that bull's charge.

Unfortunately, at that moment, the other bull lost interest in finding Annabeth. It turned, wheeling around behind Clarisse on her unprotected side.

"Behind you!" Draco heard someone yell. "Look out!"

Whoever said that shouldn't have said anything, because all they did was startle her. Bull Number One crashed into her shield, and the phalanx broke. Clarisse went flying backward and landed in a smoldering patch of grass. The bull charged past her, but not before blasting the other heroes with its fiery breath. Their shields melted right off their arms. They dropped their weapons and ran as Bull Number Two closed in on Clarisse for the kill.

Draco saw a figure lunged itself forward and grabbed Clarisse by the straps of her armor. And dragged her out of the way just as Bull Number Two freight-trained past. They gave it a good swipe with their sword and cut a huge gash in its flank, but the monster just creaked and groaned and kept on going.

It hadn't touched the person, but Draco can imagine they could feel the heat of its metal skin he felt the phantom pain in his right thigh. Its body temperature could've make a dragons fire seem as a hot bath.

"Let me go!" Clarisse pummeled the person- Percy's hand. "Percy, curse you!"

Percy dropped her in a heap next to the pine tree and turned to face the bulls. They were on the inside slope of the hill now, the valley of Camp Half-Blood directly below us—the cabins, the training facilities, the Big House—all of it at risk if these bulls got past us.

Annabeth shouted orders to the other heroes, telling them to spread out and keep the bulls distracted.

Bull Number One ran a wide arc, making its way back toward Percy. Draco got his sword in position when it passed the middle of the hill, where the invisible boundary line should've kept it out, it slowed down a little, as if it were struggling against a strong wind; but then it broke through and kept coming. Bull Number Two turned to face Percy, fire sputtering from the gash he'd cut in its side. Draco couldn't tell if it felt any pain, but its ruby eyes seemed to glare at Percy as if he'd just made things personal.

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