Yo Boy, Keep It Together

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When he fully turned his attention off of him Draco continued looking back at the Thestral pulling the boat. It was just a painful reminder of what he did before he became a Malfoy, what happened this winter break, and most it reminded him of the fact that he'll never really fit in. Not with demigods nor wizards, he'll just be a freak of nature, something that was made in mistake....

3rd Person P.O.V

Draco sighed for what felt the billionth time this day. The day seemed to pass so slow it was making him restless, right now Dumbledore was giving out a speech to the students and just started to serve the food. He poked at his food it looked good, but his lack of appetite just made home want to throw the food in the trash and go back to camp, to Nico.

Draco pushed the plate away from him and glanced to the sides looking for the Slytherin prefect, once he spotted them he calmly walked up them and asked if he could be excused. After answering a few questions Draco was able to leave the great hall and he headed towards the nearest bathroom. Walking into the stall that was all the way to the back and locked himself in it. He knocked at the side of the stall three times.

"Myrtle, you there? I'm back from break."

He looked upwards to see if his ghostly friend would appear before him in one of her dramatic ways of appearing, descending from the sky as if she were Jesus herself. Just then Draco caught glimpse of her robe as she phased through the stalls wall, "Boo!" She yelled playfully.

"Aaaaahhh, a ghost ooh I'm so scared, please god have mercy upon my soul," Draco dramatically placed his hand on his forehead and let himself fall backward against the toilet. "Yes, you foolish mortal. Fear me!" Myrtle said laughing maniacally at the end. She wiped away and imaginary tear, "Oh, I still got it." Draco rolled his eyes playfully and looked at Myrtle. "Anything happened when I was gone? You seem in a VERY good mood."

Myrtle let out a sigh, "Yeah, I've made a new friend while you were gone." Draco raised an eyebrow, "Oh, who is this new friend you speak about is it someone I know?" 'Please don't tell me you've accepted a random student friendship, who knows what they really want to use you for,' Draco pleaded silently as Myrtle let out a short laugh at his question. "They're a ghost at school and yes, I do believe you know them," Draco nodded and smiled at Myrtle, "Well at least I know that you won't be that alone without me visiting you that much, anyways I should get going before the prefect comes and yells at me for skipping dinner." Myrtle sighed at the antics of her friend. "Just promise you'll visit me and take care of yourself. Don't think I won't forget about the time you passed out on the middle of class last semester," she scolded Draco before disappearing from the stall.

Draco chuckled at his ghostly friend concern and frowned when he realized the main thing he wanted to tell Myrtle. He shrugged nothing he could do now.

Draco walked through the dungeon halls heading straight to the Slytherin common room. Once inside he went straight to his dormitory and into the bathroom locking the door and placing a silencing spell just Incase someone came into the dorm. Checking the time he realized that this was supposed to be the time that Nico was going to IM him. He dispelled his glamour and just sat on the toilet seat, waiting. Draco drummed his fingers on his knee until he was faced with the person he wanted to talk to.


"Hey...," his half sibling said waving his hand a bit awkwardly. "So," he started, "has Hades been able to y'know give you back some of your memories?" Nico sighed, "No... not really, I don't even think that he wants to talk to me at all. He just keeps bringing up...." Bianca. It was something left unsaid but enough to make Draco's blood boil. "Well screw him who needs him anyways, you can always celebrate your birthday and everything with mine! I'll even try to find those birth certificates if he doesn't want to help you at all!" Nico stared with a blank stare and just smiled but it quivered as soon as it came.

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