The Di Angelo Siblings

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"Yes, thou are it was wonderful having thou with me by thy side, thank thou for all thee service goodbye now," Draco said and left the great hall before anyone could see what he did.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Draco crouched down from where Percy and himself were. They stood outside in the snow and waited for Thalia's signal to get inside the military school. She nodded at them and they all stepped out and inside the school doors, they walked through the grey halls of the school until they were spotted by a teacher. "What are you doing here, who are you?" The teacher said glaring at them in suspicion. Thalia came forward and looked at her in the eyes, "We are students here that just got here, so you were showing us the way to the other students." And snapped her fingers at the teachers face. The teacher blinked at them with glanced over eyes then smiled, "Well then follow me, right now we're having a dance in the multipurpose room. Come along now!" They all followed her to the gym where all the students were dancing and drinking something in red cups, probably punch.

Draco scanned the crowd until he found Grover, "Over there!" He whispered to the others pointing at Grover. They made his way to the satyr in disguised, Grover looked at them and instantly smiles running over to them. "I'm glad you guys came, follow me the crowds getting a bit loud," Grover walked them until they were close to the stalls. Draco noticed that two people were already there by the corner of the room. One was a girl with her hair braided on her shoulder. She wore a green cap and had her hands on a younger boy 'probably her brother,' Draco thought. "You see those guys over there?" Draco heard Grover day and glanced at him noticing he was pointing at the people Draco was looking at earlier. "Those are the Demi-Gods I was talking about they always keep to themselves and don't talk to others much, so I couldn't get close to them. We need to get them out of here fast, their sent is strong so it might alarm any monsters near by," Grover said, Draco nodded and looked back at the pair. He saw that they were talking to some older guy and started following him, "Um, guys? I think they're leaving," he said eyes still locked on the pair.

"Oh no, that's one of the teachers I had a bad feeling about," Grover muttered. They all quickly left and followed the pair outside the gym. Percy suddenly sprinted up to the pair, 'shit.' Draco thought, Thalia followed him and together they went towards the teacher. Draco ran up to them and grabbed both kids as the teacher revealed his true form; a manticore. "We got to get you to safety follow me!" He said, pulling both Demi-Gods with him as they moved away the monster looked at them, "No! You're not going anywhere with them!" The manticore said ignoring both Percy and Thalia to get to them. Draco twisted the silver ring he wore and adjusted the dagger in his hand. Draco ran as fast as he could with Borge Demi-Gods and slashed at the manticore, "Dr. Thron?" He heard one of the Demi-Gods whisper behind him as he kicked the monsters— Dr. Thorn's chest, sending him away from them.

"We've got to hurry!" Draco said turning back to the siblings and continued to run out the hall and into the doors ahead of them. Draco heard an angry roar behind him and ran faster until they made it outside the school, the snow made running harder. Draco heard the sound of someone falling and saw that the shorter sibling fell, he cursed himself for not thinking of the kid and helped the kid up. Sadly the manticore had already catch up to them, Draco didn't know how they could escape since they were already near the corner of the hill. Draco made both siblings stand behind him and raised a hand to protect them, the other holding his dagger. Percy, Thalia, Grover, and Annabeth stood behind the manticore and tried to get its attention by attacking him from behind.

It worked and the manticore turned to them, "It's no use punny Demi-Gods! I'll take these ones away to bring to the General! He'll reward me beautifully when I get back!" Dr. Thron said laughing at them, the sound of a helicopter filled his ears and looked back. Something was coming closer and closer to them, he grabbed the younger Demi-Gods wrist and slowly pulled them towards the woods. Making sure not to gain Dr. Thorns attention as they walked around him. When Draco took his next step a loud CRUNCH was heard, he looked down and saw that he had stepped on a branch. 'Fuck,' Draco mentally cursed as he saw Dr. Thorn turn around. "Huh? Where do you think you're going?" He asked and raised his hand towards them Draco turned around and tackled both siblings to the ground missing, Dr. Thorn's huge hand.

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