Waking Up (To you)

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NICO, he gasped as tears fell and froze in his cheeks before twisting his finger and using his dagger to stab the dementor in its eye socket.

Before falling.

That fall was the most peace he felt in years.



If there was something Draco hated about adults was how nosey they were about everything. Like sure he was supposedly injured due to having been thrown to the fucking ground while someone tried to save him from falling to his inevitable death—which wasn't anything bad per say he had worse almost deaths—it was just that the people around him would use this whole thing to take away any privacy he should have.

So, now he was stuck having to actually stay in the infirmary and not being able to cure his injuries because magic doesn't heal any wounds one might get from any magical beasts.

It was annoying.

Really annoying.

But back to how adults should all die. They—and by 'they' he meant Dumb-as-a-door—decided to finally be responsible adults and supervise him while he's injured. Which was a load of crap if you asked him, now he was laying down on some stuffy bed while classes were going on and he couldn't do anything about it.

He didn't even have his wand! Draco was gonna sue the school (if Lucius hasn't already due to the severity of his injuries) for so much money he would've been put on the first page of any news about their generation vs the school.

Draco was dying of boredom.

"Psst," someone whispered and Draco looked around to see who was whispering after ignoring it for a while. He finally found the person or well persons that were trying to see him. Two orange haired twins were there looking at him with smiles on their faces. He rolled his eyes and told them to come in from their spot behind the divider curtains.

"What got you all here?" he asked.

"We just wanted to see that you were okay." One of the twins said.

"That fall did look very bad... there was lots of blood on the ground where you fell, hell even Snape was worried about you!"

That got Draco's attention, "Professor Snape? What did he do?"

"He was the one that carried you here," Fred said after a while of looking at the chart that was at the end of Draco's hospital bed. George looked over Fred's shoulder and read the contents written then whistled, "I'm surprised you're here in the school with how bad some of these injuries are."

That got his attention and he couldn't help but ask, "Why what were my injuries?"

"Let's see—" one of the twins said while the other finished his sentence, "Broken arm, broken knee or at least knee bone was twisted. Lack of blood, mild concussion, and some of your teeth were knocked out!"

As soon as George finished saying that the door opened and they heard Snape's drawling voce through the curtains, "The spell you made informed you that he's awake?"

Draco and the others looked at each other in panic and the two gingers both hid under his bed as soon as Snape and Madame Pomfrey walked inside his small 'room' and looked him over once more.

"I could've sworn I heard someone else in here," Pomfrey said as she looked around the area to see no one in sight but Draco. "Well..." Draco started as he saw Snape look at him as well as Pomfrey. "What brings you here to little old me?"


Apparently, that was the wrong thing to aske since that just got him to be looked over for a very long time. Like it was exaggeratedly long how many tests they did on him to ensure that everything was okay.

He was lucky that he was even alive, they had said to him when they finished with everything. Draco simply nodded, so that they could leave faster so that the twins can leave. And once they did Fred and George looked over him as they had relieved and worried looks on their faces, "That was very close."

"..." he stayed quiet as they left after looking at him and trying to say something that just couldn't leave their mouths. Whatever that was Draco hoped that it was nothing important.


It was important for many reasons. Draco walked through yet another corridor as he tried to lose whoever was stalking him. He felt a presence everywhere he went with his friends and at first he thought that it was his imagination until he realized that he would feel it even when he tried to have those daily late afternoon walks—as well as someone can walk with the cutches that he had—Draco went through one corridor to the next, but no matter what he couldn't lose the feeling of being followed.

So, being fed up he stopped and simply went to Myrtle's bathroom to. Go to his new hanging spot.

The Salazar Slytherin sex dungeon.

Yes, he decided to name it that because he gets naming rights due to it being part of his trauma. Inside he slid through the small slide and went up to the small cozy spot that he made when he had time through his second year. In that small corner were some books that he brought and a suitcase that was similar to the one he had given Nico.

He sat down on the ground and but his crutches away before grabbing a book and his sticky notes and annotating the book he was reading. He spent his entire free time there until he no longer felt the presence of someone watching him.

A/N: hello everybody and welcome back to Five Nights At Freddy's, my name is Markiplier and I'm here with a new video—

(I'm back and I'm confused in the plot I had so I have to ask for recommendations in what y'all wanna see.)

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