All The Time We Waste

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Seven days had come and gone since Mackenzie turned Cornelius and his manor into ashes

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Seven days had come and gone since Mackenzie turned Cornelius and his manor into ashes. Seven days since they had to run away from the Forest. Seven days waiting for Heidi and Alexander to find them in Paris and tell them if Margo had condemned them to death.

Confined in their hotel for a week now, Mackenzie and Elijah hadn't left their room, nor talked to anyone who wasn't a hotel employee or from a delivery service. Shopping online had come handy, especially since all of their things were still in Germany. However, clothes seemed to be unnecessary now that Mackenzie spent her days in a robe, sitting by the window, looking at a grey and cold Paris.

She had thought, quite foolishly she would say, that the worst had gone. That she had been through enough terrible things, and that she would be able to live in peace from now on. But it appeared that her mother hadn't quite delivered all of her secrets. Was there any good way to find out one's mother didn't die of cancer? Or that one's ancestor had been killing his entire family in order to live longer? Who she thought was her only family left was only interested in her for her youth and powers. Well, he wouldn't be hurting anyone else from now on. She wondered how many Fays he had killed or was planning to kill. Did his spells die with him? Or were all the remaining Fays in the Forest also going to die like her mother did? There was only one way to tell, and, according to Heidi, it could also save her life.

If one single Fay were spelled it would be proof of Cornelius' plans and would prove Mackenzie's innocence. It was up to her godparents to convince the queen that she had acted in self-defense. It would be hard, especially since Mackenzie had burnt all the evidence.

"What are you thinking about?" Elijah asked as he sat next to her by the window, handing her a hot cup of tea. She took it with both hands, welcoming the warmth invading her skin.

"I'm wondering how no one ever figured out how Cornelius managed to stay alive," she answered with anger in her voice. "He was surrounded by the strongest witches who ever lived."

"He was very clever. He had centuries to learn how to fool people. Besides, they probably thought he used the same spells they do. Margo has been around for a while too."

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