Into The Wolf's Mouth

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Looking in the mirror, Mackenzie wasn't sure what she was seeing anymore

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Looking in the mirror, Mackenzie wasn't sure what she was seeing anymore. Certainly not the girl she was when she met Elijah, and not the girl she was when she left Mystic Falls with Katherine almost two months ago. She couldn't decide if her life were better now that her best friends were vampires or if she missed the days when she was afraid to breathe near her abusive stepfather. Maybe it was Katherine's confident attitude that was rubbing off on her, but she felt empowered, stronger and more determined than ever. Of course, practicing her magic helped too. It was easy to feel powerful when a simple look could set anything on fire.

For the two months they had been together, Mackenzie and Katherine had only fought once. Mackenzie had been focusing on the element of fire in her training in the previous two weeks when she came across a passage in one of her ancestors' journals warning about the side effects. Elementals of fire were known for their anger issues of supernatural proportion. Mackenzie had understood then where her sudden hot-tempered attitude had come from. And why Katherine had insisted she practiced fire first.

"Did you know?!" she had asked, loudly enough to wake up the entire hotel.

"Maybe," Katherine only shrugged, without an ounce of regret.

The argument had lasted two days. Mackenzie went on about how she didn't like being manipulated but moved on when she realized that "We're going after Klaus. I need you to be on your game if he catches us. A little confidence could save your life. And mine." would be the only thing close to an apology she'd ever get from the vampire. Afterwards, Mackenzie had decided to focus on other elements. She decided she didn't like the person she was when she had fire in her veins. She didn't like the thoughts she had when she was angry.

Mackenzie had learnt a lot about Katherine in the past few weeks, and she understood very quickly how the vampire had managed to survive the last five centuries. She compelled her way to everything. Food, clothes, cars, hotel rooms... She always found clever ways to get what she wanted. And what she wanted the most in this world was her freedom. And Klaus dead.

On the morning of June 22, Katherine still had blood on her lips when she came back into their rooms with a smile on her face. She saw Mackenzie hadn't moved from where she was when she left an hour before. The vampire grinned an evil smile as she took a step.

"Happy birthday!" Katherine said loud enough to wake up all the other rooms in the four stories hotel as she opened the curtains, letting the sunlight invade the room. Mackenzie groaned unhappily, waved her hand and the curtains were closed again.

"What time is it?" Mackenzie asked, bringing the bed cover over her head.

"Almost 9. You wouldn't be so tired if you hadn't spent all night practicing your magic," Katherine said as she sat on the elemental's bed, turning the pages of one of Mackenzie's ancient journals.

"I need to practice. I want to be able to defend myself."

"Well, at least you can defend yourself against sunlight," she pushed herself off the bed and opened the curtains again. "But not from me. Get up. I got a present for you," she sang the last part happily.

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