An Air of Déjà Vu (Part 3)

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The dress was a perfect fit but even though she was facing the mirror Mackenzie couldn't see it

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The dress was a perfect fit but even though she was facing the mirror Mackenzie couldn't see it. She couldn't stop thinking of Elijah's face, how hurt he was by her stupid actions. It had been hard for him to leave her get ready for the ball; he needed an explanation; he was afraid to lose her and not know why. He let it go after she refused to tell him, but in his head was a painful battle and fear had taken over everything else. She had to find a way to make him trust her again. She had to find a way to apologize.

"Looks like your fairy godmother's already left."

Mackenzie jumped, startled by Alexander's voice. She would have sensed him come in if she hadn't been lost in her thoughts.


"You look like Cinderella," he explained, gesturing to her dress with his chin.

"Cinderella's blonde," she mumbled.

"Fine, then, you just stole her dress."

Mackenzie eyed him up, taking in his outfit, which resembled his usual ones, but somehow didn't.

"You look fancy," she said, as it seemed like the only difference from his casual suits was the number of zeros on the price tag.

He chuckled. "Yeah, we're going to a ball, remember?"

"Maybe you haven't noticed the gown I'm wearing," she replied in his favorite language: sarcasm.

"Oh no, I did, but the look on your face tells a different story."

"I'm just..."

"Tired?" he cut her off. "You need to find a different excuse."

She paused, then shrugged. "What are you doing here?"

"Heidi bet you weren't gonna show up. Just making sure I get my fifty euros," he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Why would she think that?"

"Elijah's going," he shrugged. "And since you're avoiding him..."

"I'm not avoiding him."

"Maybe not anymore. But you were."

"Aren't we gonna be late?"

"No, we still have a half hour, don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not trying to..."

"So what did he do? Did he hurt you?"

"What? No!"

"Then why are you scared of him all of a sudden? You risked your life for him, more than once."

"I'm not scared of him."

"Don't lie, I saw you yesterday, I was there, remember? And I know you stood him up for lunch today, I saw him wait for you for an hour and a half."

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