Creature of the Past

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The parking lot was empty

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The parking lot was empty. All the students had gone. There were only a few cars left from teachers still working inside the building but still, the parking lot was silent. Mackenzie and Elijah hadn't moved or spoken. She didn't ask him to repeat what he had just said, though she thought she had misheard him.

Every day was a new day, with new information and new threats. New unanswered questions. New fears. New reasons to stay hidden inside the house.

The silent wind was blowing Mackenzie's long brown hair as she stared at the vampire standing in front of her. The words he had just spoken were echoing inside of her head as if she were trying to solve a riddle. "You're an elemental, Mackenzie," he said, as if it meant anything to her. As if she knew, as if she was supposed to know.

"Wh- what?" is all she managed to say after a long moment of silence.

"An elemental. A supernatural creature with the ability to control one or several elements."

She hadn't misheard, and how could she not believe him? It explained the wind and the fires. Apparently, it also explained why she couldn't be compelled and why she smelled the way she did.

"Ho- how do you know? Are you sure?"

Elijah smiled as he took a step forward. Mackenzie straightened up, remembering she was trapped between him and the car door. She saw his eyes move to her neck and his hand approach her face. He brushed her hair away from her shoulder and his gaze found her vein.

"I'm quite sure," he said as his fingertips grazed the blue line of her neck. "Though, I was told you'd smell better. No offense."

"No- none taken..."

"I didn't meet many people who had the privilege to come across an elemental but they all told me the same thing. Your fragrance, your blood... drove them crazy."

"Then, ma- maybe I'm not an elemental," she stuttered in a frightened whisper.

Elijah slightly shook his head.

Dangerous CreaturesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora