Trapped Creature

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Elijah was losing his mind

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Elijah was losing his mind. It was unlike him to be this reckless. He thought he had learnt his lesson. How many times had Klaus killed someone he cared about just to spite him? Too many times for him to make that mistake again. But Elijah had been too confident. He had been so focused on making a plan to kill his brother that he hadn't imagined he'd fail. And now, Mackenzie was paying the price.

Elena was mad. She was mad at Damon for making her believe Bonnie was dead and she was mad at herself for putting Makenzie in danger. She wondered if Klaus could be trusted to keep his word.

"Do you think he told the truth?" she asked Elijah once they were back in the Salvatores' living room. "Do you think he'll give us Mackenzie back once he has the moon stone?"

"I don't know," he replied. "He won't give her back until the sacrifice is done."

"Can we go over the plan again?" Damon said, "Because I'm not letting Elena get sacrificed, I don't care about your 500-year-old potion. It's not happening."

"It's not your decision to make, Damon," Elena reminded him. "It is happening. We cooperate so that Klaus doesn't kill any of you. Bonnie and Elijah will kill him during the ritual. That's the plan and I don't care if you don't like it."

"What about John's ring?"

"Ms. Gilbert is a doppelganger, she's not human. Chances are the ring won't work."

"Well, I'll take those odds over your magical witch potion with no expiration date."

"What about Mackenzie?" Elena asked, ignoring him. "If we fail to kill Klaus... he'll kill her."

"Likely," Elijah nodded. "Which is why we won't fail."


Mackenzie woke up in an unfamiliar room. She was alone but the bedroom door was open, and she could hear people talking. One of them sounded like Elena but didn't feel like Elena at all. She was a vampire, Mackenzie knew it. There were two other people with her. One of them was very powerful.

She sat up slowly, feeling dizzy, and gasped when she saw the blood on her dress. That's when she remembered. It was her blood. She'd been taken by Klaus. Fear seized her.

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