Fairy of Fire (Part 1)

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The memory of the last couple of days had already faded away and only Mackenzie's guilt was left. Elijah had chosen to forget it, perhaps because it hurt too much. He'd often thought about the day he'd lose her, however that could be. Klaus would get mad again and kill her just to get back at him, a powerful witch would kill her out of pure jealousy, or maybe time would get her this time. Maybe like it got her mother. Many potential scenarios had crossed his mind, and no matter how painful it was every time, there was no pain that matched the one he felt when she backed away from him. No was there any relief bigger than when she hurried into his arms.

He tightened his hold on her as he thought about that moment. He was lying in the dark, in her bed, holding her like she was going to slip away, taken by an unknown force at any moment. She had been apologetic all night, each apology reassuring him more and more each time, even though he always told her it was okay. He could hear his brothers' voice inside of his head, hear each word as if they were being spoken right there, as if they were standing right here. "Love makes you weak." He knew a lot of people who would disagree, he was one of them, even though for a time, he had agreed. "Caring gets you killed." Perhaps that was true. Perhaps a life without caring was not one worth living. Not one he wanted to live anyway, now that he had her. And as he drifted off to sleep, his hold didn't lighten, as if he didn't want to let her go, even in his sleep.


Days passed and stayed the same as Mackenzie continued her training with Heidi in the morning and Alexander in the afternoon. That was six hours a day she didn't spend with Elijah, or eighteen hours a day he spent with her. Yet, only her skills increased and her relationship with the vampire remained unchanged. She wondered if he wanted to take it slow to protect her, to not scare her, push her or make her feel pressured. Or maybe he was waiting for her to take the next step. Or, perhaps, he figured that a castle where many vampires lived wasn't a great place to get intimate. She wondered. But she didn't know. He was the one who knew. He was the one who had done this before. And at this point, when her thoughts started going that way, she stopped, because she knew being jealous of centuries old exes was the most pathetic, most ridiculous thing that could ever happen to her. Even if those centuries old exes had probably been taller, prettier, smarter, more confident and better than her in every way. Who cared, she thought. They were probably all dead anyway.

At least once a week, Cornelius invited Mackenzie to come have dinner with him. She always accepted, even though Elijah was never welcomed in the manor. She always had a lot of fun with her ancestor, and always learnt new things about the Fays, and elementals in general. However, she always felt sick when she got back to the Queen's castle. He always had pastries for dinner. Mountains of macarons and fountains of pink champagne. He always managed to make her eat it all. It was a miracle she hadn't gained any weight from the weekly feast. She often came back from the manor feeling so sick she wouldn't even take the time to undress and just let herself fall on the bed where Elijah was waiting for her. He was always forbidden from touching her.

"I thought you weren't supposed to eat anything tonight?" he said as she collapsed on their bed.

She groaned. "You don't know how he is. It's impossible to say no to him."

"Him? Or the macarons?"

"Trust me," she winced at the mention of the sweets, "I never want to eat those ever again."

"That's too bad. It's quite delicious."

"'lijah," she whined, "I love you, but please stop talking."

He froze as he heard the words, wondering if she realized what she had just said. He hesitated for a second, then closed his book before putting it down on the nightstand to his left. He was about to say something when she started to whimper.

"Heidi's gonna be pissed again."

Her powers were always hard to use after one of those nights. It was only for a few hours at first, but then it worsened, taking up to almost twenty-four hours until she could practice any magic again. She had promised Heidi to stop drinking, however, she never knew what was in the glasses Cornelius handed to her.

"You have a day off, then," he said, choosing to ignore her previous statement. "What should we do?"

"Sleep," she answered. "And then sleep some more."

"Heidi's definitely not going to like that."

"Heidi's teaching me some weird spells I'll never use," she complained. "I don't want to train anymore, I can use my powers just fine."

"I doubt she'll agree."

"Let's just go," she said as she slowly rolled over onto her back. "Oh, that was a bad idea."

"You okay?"

She didn't reply, didn't even nod, as the best she could do at that moment was try not to throw up on Margo's silken sheets.

"Go where?" he continued after he was sure she wasn't going to empty her stomach on the bedroom floor.

"Anywhere," she murmured. "Just... away from Cornelius and his cursed macarons."

Elijah chuckled. "Fine then, let's just go. Just pick a destination."

"London. London looks nice."

"London it is," he nodded. "And when are we leaving?"

"Next week. Sunday. Just need to say goodbye to everyone."

"Cornelius will probably throw you a nice farewell party. With lots of champagne... and macarons."

Mackenzie groaned as she rolled back over onto her stomach.

"I hate you so much right now," she said, her words muffled by her pillow.

He smiled. "I love you too," he whispered, and he will never know if she just didn't hear him or completely ignored him, but she never replied.


Thank you for reading!

I hope you liked it!

Next part will be posted next Wednesday!

I'm sorry this is short but I need to stretch this out as much as possible as I am going to have to rewatch The Originals season 1, 2 & 3 to write my next chapters, which means there might be another break in about a month or so.

As always chapter 26 can be read in its entirety on my patreon page: patreon.com/alonelydreamer as well as the first part of chapter 27.

Have a great week!

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