Forty-Two: Trauma

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Forty-Two: Trauma

[A U S T I N]

Practice had started like any other day, the locker room was loud and bustling with testosterone, more so than ever since Lenny had returned to the team and was currently boasting in the corner loudly to the other team mates while Austin sat in the corner alone with his back to the other boys, trying to ignore the loud voices and laughter as he wrapped his clenched knuckles.

Darrick wasn't there that day for training, having taken the day off because of personal reasons. Austin knew he was only hanging out with Tess, saw him enter his home every afternoon and go to the down stairs office where Tess's house was set up. He hadn't spoken to Darrick or Tess in so long, weeks maybe. Simply sat up locked away in his room, or even going for runs around the block until Darrick left. Recently as Tess was beginning to join them at the family table again, he felt more and more uncomfortable, didn't know what to say or how to act. He felt guilty, every time he saw Tess he was stricken with a painful reminder that it was all his fault.

"Your so lucky Lenny, as if you got away with doing that" the boys would laugh and snicker, bringing Lenny only more confidence and pride the more attention he received. Only a few of the boys on the team weren't interested, Austin could count four in total, standing off to the side, grimacing at each other, sitting away tying their shoes or dressing their hands to ignore the horrible conversation.

"They believed everything, cops didn't give a shit" Lenny smirked and stretched his arms over his head, austin didn't have to even look to know Lenny was looking over at him. Could feel his gaze like daggers piercing into his shoulder blades, talking louder trying to purposely grab Austin's attention. Austin had to breathe slowly to keep himself calm, closing his eyes to block out Lennys words and not grab the boy by his throat and slam him into the wall.

"I want to kidnap a human now"

"That would be fun~"

"What did you do to it Lenny?" One of the idiots asked, making Austin hunch further over to ignore the conversation.

"Uh what didn't I do~" Lenny sniggered, Austin able to hear Lennys cleats as he walked over to then suddenly feel a tight grip on his shoulder as Lennys hand rested on him making his blood boil beneath his fingers, "why not ask Austin here, he came over to have some fun with it just before it got away" Lenny smirked, turning the locker rooms attention on Austin all of a sudden.

"Fuck off Lenny" Austin growled under his breath, pulling himself out from beneath Lennys grip and swatted his hand aside, quickly standing to move away not wanting any attention, not wanting to get involved and just wanting to get training over and done with. But Lenny didn't give up. Every word stung only fueling the fire that burned inside of him. Every violated phrase was like gasoline to it, his fists began to clench and jaw rooted.

"Come on, tell the team what you did Austin!" Lenny pushed, following Austin about the locker room as he walked away trying to escape. Lenny then grabbed at Austin, trying to drag him back with a sharp pull on his jersey.

Austin didn't know what happened, but the next thing he knew five guys were pulling him off of Lenny, the rats nose was a bloody mess and Austin's hand was clasped in a tight fist in-front of him, throbbing from where he'd smashed it right into Lenny's face. Austin was shocked as he stumbled away, mouth falling open as Lenny clasped at his face

"FUCK!" Lenny shouted in pain as Austin was dragged back, hearing Lenny groaning, seeing the blood for some reason only brought a smile to his face. Austin didn't fight as team members dragged him away, seeming shocked to see Austin, their captain punching another team mate in the face, let alone Lenny! Who he always seemed to stick up for.

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