Forty-Three: Waiting

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Forty- Three: Waiting

[ D A R R I C K ]

Darrick sat in the private waiting room of the hospital, which was considerably much nicer then the human waiting rooms. It had a smell of lavender that brought a sense of ease and posters of puppies and rainbows littered the walls in an attempt to create a happier environment. Unlike last time he was at the hospital, which had been void of any life, there was one other person in the room alongside him. A frail looking man, who's pale eyes seemed to wander in Darricks direction all too often for comfort. The old man was mostly bald, with partial white frays of hair poking out behind his ears. Eyes were heavily lidded looking as if he were sleeping upright with how low they drooped, along with a permanent scowl etched across his face. Darrick wondered whether he'd look like that when he was old, loose skin and no hair.

Kknee bouncing anxiously, he found himself looking about at the walls, wondering when he'd be able to go in and see Austin. At the moment, Tess, Margaret and Brian were inside, Austin only allowed close family for the time being while the doctors were discussing whether or not he would be released now or should stay over night to keep a watchful eye on his head. Darrick had rushed over with Tess as soon as she got the call from her mother, saying Austin had been in an accident at Backnott training and was in fact really hurt.

Darrick couldn't believe it at first, Austin getting hurt? He'd had his fair share of hard beatings Austin did but never ended up in hospital, giants healed too quickly to even care visit the hospital or need to for that matter. Darrick had dislocated his shoulder once in a game, which had probably been the most pain he'd ever felt in his entire life, having been hit by a defender in just the right spot to knock his shoulder out of place. But it was simply popped back in by the medic on field, given a five minute break then continued the rest of the game to even still, win the game, having even scored two touchdowns himself.

Finding his eyes travelling to his phone out of boredom, he saw a group chat had been created and was making his phone vibrate madly against his leg to be opened. Rolling his eyes, he slid down into his chair til his head rested against the top back rest and long legs stretched out before him so that he was comfortable.

Opening a notification from Austin, guessing he had his phone with him, Darrick joined mid conversation

_Darrickk_ joined the chat

-Cole: I'm in! I know a guy that can get us what we need.

-Austin: Good. Meet me at that park near his house, Civic Park I think it's called. Around 2am. He won't know what's hit him.

-Darrick: What's this about?
Austin are you okay ?

-Austin: oh me? Pfft I'm great! Really I've never been better! Been the best day of my life! 👍 :))

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