Sixty-Two: Trouble

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Sixty-Two: Trouble

Laying down in the spare bedroom of Austin's room, Tess was set down on Darrick's bare stomach as he had chose to remove his shirt now that he was somewhat back to normal compared to his original size. Looking up from where she sat on his stomach, feeling warmth spreading through her limbs from the oversized body beneath her. His skin was smooth, tantalising to touch as she ran her small fingers across the thick outer layer of tissue of simply a giant man's stomach. Following up along the rugged landscape of his abdomen, she could see he had his eyes closed and rubbing at his forehead as if pained with a headache.

"You seem stressed babe, what's wrong?" Tess rested her hands on her boyfriends stomach firmer against his unyielding skin to get his attention, his muscles contracting beneath her touch. Filling his lungs with a deep breath, he looked down at her finally and produced a smile for her. She could tell it was forced, something was troubling him and he wasn't telling her what

"Nothing Tess. Everything's fine" she could tell he was lying, both Austin and Darrick seemed off since arriving back home. Brian didn't seem happy when they'd arrived home, Darrick shielding Tess away from Brian's eye to escape to the spare room not seeming to want anything to do with the son and father interaction. Austin was already frightened to see his dad, having to walk to his own home instead from Darrick's instead of driving. Austin had taken Josie to his room while on the phone to Jace, Darrick deciding to slip away to the spare bedroom choosing to relax a bit while Austin spoke on the phone.

She could hear Austin yelling a little through the walls, but her ears were too small to make out the words.

"I don't believe you" she shakes her head as she stands and walks down the length of Darrick's abdomen, her feet feeling every groove and bump in his skin, stumbling somewhat when moving over his stomach, trying to find her footing in the muscular scenery of his abdomen. Standing at the lip of his pants, she smiled up at Darrick who chuckled in response as his face tickled a light pink.

"Tess~" Darrick gasped out as she manoeuvred around his crotch, tip toeing around his body as to not trip or step on anything sensitive. She  felt sheepish as she looked back at Darrick as he eyed her with a flustered look. At her position at the lip of his waistline, she had the perfect view of his entire body where he lay, head lifted slightly so he could watch. She blushed at the contours of his stomach which stretched over delicious muscles, hard edges of flexed skin and soft curves of his pecs. Looking away, she smiled lightly able to feel the quickening rise and fall of each of his breaths going in and out of large lungs. She didn't know where to look other then to the wall of the bedroom, he chuckled deeply at her response, making her footing uneasy as his body shakes a little.

"your treading in dangerous waters right now~" he bites at his bottom lip, making her head fuzzy knowing he was probably turned on by what she was doing. But she shied away from the thoughts and continued to explore down his body as if a means to escape but only had more of his body before her. His trunk sized legs were slightly parted, noticing they were still cut up from walking through the forest earlier. She had really done this to herself at this point

"Am I?" she tried to tease back at her boyfriend, her voice sounding squeaky even to herself. Darrick half smiled, his mind clearly elsewhere. Tess could see he was fighting his own conscience, not wanting to make Tess do anything to make her uncomfortable while also apparently aroused by her position. She felt hot, her entire body burning with a blush. It had been a while since they had done anything, Tess having been embarrassed from their last hot and heavy moment when she was drunk being in his pants. While Darrick always showered her with love whenever he was shrunk. They were a size couple, if Darrick didn't have the privilege of shrinking she would of had to at some point figure out how to pleasure him. Yet she felt nervous still

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