Forty-Five: What The-

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Forty-Five: What The- 

Eyes opening slowly, she turned over onto her side, reaching out across the length of the pillow beside her to try grab onto the warmth of Darrick, the cool of the night air sending a shiver across her bare skin. When her fingers only grabbed the empty air, she slowly sat up looking down the length of the bed to see the room empty of any giant. Rubbing at her eyes, she pushed back the hair in her face, eyes squinted trying to adjust to the darkness. Looking over to Darricks side table, she could see the digital clock glowing, reading 2:10AM

"Darrick?" She croaked, moving to see she was moved on the pillow now and not on Darricks warm human sized chest. Yawning, she looked down seeing the emptiness of the mattress where Darrick had once laid. Shifting she moved down so that she slid down the length of the pillow, landing on the mattress caused her body to bounce a little as she hit and stumbled onto her knees with a groan as she lost her balance. Tired, she slowly slid down to lay on her stomach, still able to feel the warmth of Darricks body in the sheets where he'd once laid not too long ago. Maybe he'd just gone to the bathroom quickly, so she stayed laid on her stomach, curling her arms beneath her head she couldn't help it as she began to drift back to sleep. She liked sleep.


Tess couldn't tell when she woke up to the sound of footsteps, alerting her suddenly to sit up awake like a cat being sprayed with water, frightened incase another intruder had entered the room. Traumatised from the last time she'd been left alone in a giant bed.

"Shh it's okay it's just me~ go back to sleep" the familiar deepness of Darricks voice calmed her and she didn't hesitate to lay back down, not knowing or caring what time it was, she instead stretched and curled into a happy ball

"Mkay~" she mumbled, drifting back to sleep she felt Darricks fingers wrapping around her small body and gathering her up in her small human ball then placing her back on his giant chest. She happily curled into his shirt, soaking in the feeling. He was much warmer then she remembered and smelt a little like dirt and sweat, but in her sleepy state she didn't question it and fell back into a deep slumber with Darrick gently caressing her back.

At some point he must've dressed her too, cause she woke that morning to blinding sunlight and back in her hoodie and shorts, unable to recall when he must've done it.

Next day:

[ A U S T I N ]

That rug, that stupid old filthy rug of Coles, had seen more shoes than a ballroom Austin could still remember playing on it when they were only kids. Currently It was where people twirled, stumbled and laughed, the music escaping from every open window and door as Austin and familiar faces celebrated Coles production, musical or play. Whatever it was called. That rug had once been the colour of cherries, now it told an earthy tale of love and laughter, of more good times than anyone is ever promised. Coles mother could have replaced it, brought in another, but instead sat in the centre of the living room in all its glory

Austin was exhausted, he didn't drink and didn't even bother standing even for Coles little speech of thanks. Darrick was meant to arrive soon, whenever that'd be with Tess and he was hoping to speak to her again like the day before. Warming his heart at the though he found a tiny smile on his lips where he sat at the kitchen table, head in his hands trying to ignore the pounding of his head. He could barely stand the music, let alone the pain he felt with laughter. A lack of sleep from the night before didn't help, having had to sneak out late in the middle of the night to meet up with the boys.

Finding himself on his feet, he stepped up to the sink to down some water, resting his hand on his wrapped head. He definitely should lay down, maybe it wasn't the best idea to come out but also didn't want to miss out.

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