Eighteen: Lenny

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Eighteen: Lenny

The day went by quicker then the last, role call was different that day as she was alone this time without the scary boy in the back. She was glad she was alone, happy to just sit and wait for the bell. She had art class with Cherry and Oreo first, which she was excited for even to see the unique art teacher.

Oreo did not utter a word the entire time, simply quietly drawing in his art book creating sketches she couldn't see with his arm blocking the way. His hand was pressed into his cheek, puckering his lips as he focused on his little sketches. If she were to push him too hard or bump into the boy by accident it looked as if his limbs might just snap off, his wrists so small she could wrap her hand around them. She never seemed to be able to get his attention, even when she asked about his drawings it was hard to keep a conversation with his mop of messy white blonde hair hanging in his face,  eyes always down looking at the picture before him instead of the girls.

He had skin the same colour as the paper. He sat in his chair as if he were trying to curl into a ball, to try and take up even less space in the room than he already did. His clothes were too large like his big blue eyes, his shirt hanging loosely off his small frame and pants gripping onto his hips, trying to hide the skinniness beneath his baggy pants and clothes. He was small and fragile with a young boys body. He could've been thirteen for all she knew. He always had this look about him, as if he were on edge, if you were to touch him he'd jump high into the air like a frightened cat. Why? She couldn't tell.

Cherry on the other was happy talking with Tess and just generally getting to know more about each other. Tess told her about Austin and what happened, Austin receiving a scoff and roll of her eyes from Cherry. She didn't like Austin and his boys, she made that clear when she spoke of him.

"He's such a moron"
"He's so annoying"
"I hate him"

She made it very, very clear. She did NOT like him. Oreo didn't seem to like him much either, noticeably frowning at the mention of him as he drew. Cherry was a beautiful soul, Tess could tell when she looked into her eyes they spoke of a beauty and her movements told of a need for nurture when she made sure Tess was okay, resting a hand on hers when she said she was forgotten, the girl even looking to Oreo when he began to frown. She was a carer. Her hair was waves of pure black, softly reflecting the light in the room with each strand moving carefully about her pudgy cheeks. With eyes of oak trees and honey, her aura was almost autumn like, warm and comfortable between them. But also could be like summer, bright and exciting. Plump, deep rosy lips gave a smile that was heavenly and kind, she was so easy to get along with.

Classes went by and then it was lunch, today choosing to sit with the humans for lunch. Cherry showing her the way to the cafeteria which she'd been told was kind of a meeting spot for the humans at the school. The high school cafeteria was empty except for the twenty tables that sat unoccupied, except for one where the red haired Jules sat, Oreo and another boy she hadn't met yet, who she guessed was Henryk. The two girls walked in with large smiles, heading over to the table to take a seat, cherry making sure Tess took a seat beside her and not the other.

"So you've met Jules and Oreo, but this here is the sweet Henryk Maker. Henryk, this is Tess" Cherry introduced, gently pressing a hand on the boy next to hers shoulder. The light brow haired boy that sat next to her was smiling lightly, Henryk who she now knew brought his hand up to shake hers  across cherry. She quickly raises her hand to grasp his, finding herself giving a smile over at him

"I can introduce myself, thank you, Cherry. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tess. I've heard a lot about you"  Henryk spoke with a soothing tone and kind smile, giving a steady shake of her hand. He had nice features, a strong nose and neat brows. His hair was neat on his head, slightly tousled on top but was attempted to be combed. He had broad shoulders that took up most of the bench where they sat, being the tallest of all the humans she'd met so far. She felt rather small, even being around humans, her own kind she felt small. He presented himself as being clean, a tidy person with a simple way of dressing himself

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