Ten: Secrets Unfold

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Ten: Secrets Unfold

Austin made his way in through the school gates of GreenField High, head ducked down and glancing about him looking for eyes that were on him, scanning for anyone who had potentially seen him with Tess.

Yes, he liked Tess a lot.. she was sweet and strong willed and he liked that about her. But being near her at school was one thing but actually talking and being nice to a human was utterly one of the most reputation ruining acts ever. And he had a reputation to up hold. As the captain of the Backnott team he was considered one of the most popular guys in the school, he had come all too use to trying uphold his reputation by joining the majority and hating the human race, even if deep down he didn't really.. Tess was just so great, even if he teased her every now and then, he would never intentionally hurt her.

Making his way to his group of five friends, out of them all he spotted Jace almost immediately. He was shifting about the group, head bobbing up and down as if looking for someone. Austin rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the group, Darrick was on his phone leant against the lockers minding his own business, more than likely ignoring Jace's shenanigans.

His friend Cole was listening to music while he spoke to Jace excitedly, they were two peas in a pod them, while Jace looked as if he were beaming as he spoke, hands moving around in the air before him, shifting from side to side, unable to keep himself contained.

Austin groaned as he heard Jace yell his name. His didn't look at first, putting in his code for his locker, opening it he packed his things away inside before actually closing the door alittle to see what jace wanted. He startled a little to see Jace and him had locked eyes, Jace's blueberry blue eyes were widen with excitement and it was as if a halo came about his head, not to mention he was so close Austin could feel his breath.

Having had rushed over from beside Cole he grabbed at Austin's arm, raising his hand up to eye level then grabs at the other to look into. His brows furrowed and he quickly tried to rummage in Austin's pockets, looking for something or someone

"Where is she?" Jace looked up with wide eyes and hopeful expression.

"What!? Get off me, you dickhead, I haven't got anything!" Austin sent a warning glare down toward Jace, not wanting anyone to know about Tess he pushed Jace's hands off of him then shrugged his shoulders, irritated. He knew this was bound to happen, Jace couldn't keep a secret even with a gun to his head.

He couldn't have people thinking he liked his new family member, couldn't have people even thinking he considered Tess family. Word had already gotten around about his father dating a human, how Brian had become an embarrassment to the Taylor name.. he could tell people were talking about him.. how they turned to look at him and whisper his name as he passed.

He gave a huff and ignored there gazes and turned to grab out some books form his locker, he had bio first then math. Slamming his locker he turned to see people quickly turning away to avoid his gaze as he glanced down the hall. Good.

He held his books beneath his arm as he looked to Jace again, eyes narrowed, trying to tell him to piss off seeing he was still waiting for him as if he could magically make Tess appear out of thin air.

Jace's expression fell and a frown came across his lips realising Austin hadn't brought Tess, he really wanted to introduce her to the rest of the boys. Austin didn't even seem to even want to mention Tess.. Sighing he gave up on Austin, he was a real jerk sometimes and went over to one of his best friends, Cole.

Cole was a fair few inches shorter than Jace, he was actually the shortest in the group, which no one really minded cause he made up with his personality. He's slim, a little muscular but not as much as Austin and Darrick, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. His eyes were a mesmerising deep moss green, flecks of silvery light in the corners. He had a head of hair like a mane, golden curls frame his head like a halo down to his chin.

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