Forty- Six: Red

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Forty: Six: Red


[D A R R I C K]

Stars shone as if sugar had spilt over black marble, glistening back at him. The night sky was such a welcoming sight, appearing like magic at each sunset, promising to return as she faded in dawn's first light. He'd hoped that this wouldn't take too long so he could hurry home before Tess woke to find him gone. Anxiously checking his phone every ten minutes for the time.

There were times in the daytime, under skies of deep blue, Darrick would think of those faraway stars and how they'd return after the shadows blended into the dark. He would wonder about Tess's home planet, Earth. Wondered what it'd be like now as it floated about space, void of life, from what he knew or has atleast been told. Earth will never be salvageable. He'd learnt somewhat of humans history, but it wasn't really a popular topic at school. Unimportant for giants as they were taught about their own species.

"Did you get it?" Austin spoke, Darrick brought out of his thoughts suddenly he looked down before him, rubbing his hands together against the cool of the night, he looked to each of the boys eyes that stood before him. Each wore a different expression for what was to come.

"Yeah of course I did, it's in my bag. You all owe me 80 bucks each by the way" Cole looked at each of the boys before slipping his arms out of the shoulder straps of his bag. Cole was considerably calm, too calm it would appear as he rummaged through his backpack to recover a smaller scrunched up paper bag "we've only got the one so don't mess this up" Cole crossed his arms "it's got only three shots in it"

"Yeah whatever, let's see it then" Austin wore a look of determination, appearing to be the leader of this mission he already devised a plan, having spoken about it earlier amongst each other. Austin quickly takes the paper bag into his hands to peer inside, Darrick eyeing Austin's still perfect wrapped head from the hospital earlier  "perfect, we only need the one"

"What if someone sees us~" Jace stood nervously to the side of the group, holding his arm tightly to his chest as he peered around them as if on the lookout for anyone that might be lurking amidst the shadows of the empty park this late into the night.

"No ones gonna see us, quit whining Jace"  Austin huffed, taking out a metal cylinder looking object that was about the size of an pencil, having a similar resemblance to an EpiPen. He held it up to his eyes as he inspected it, all four boys reflecting awe upon their faces at the illicit object.

"We'll be fine" Darrick rested a hand lightly on Jace's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the boy, who pursed his lips in return not seeming convinced and instead turned away to lean against the bonnet of Coles Mums car.

"Yeah we have nothing to worry about, Lenny should be the one scared. He's not gonna know what's hit him" Austin smirked, tucking the object into the back of his pants "okay let's go"


{Coles Party. WARNING: NSFW scene for 18+}

Darrick had found himself in the predicament of having to take care of his very drunken tiny girlfriend. He'd arrived considerably late to Coles, everyone else appearing to be on another level further then sober. They'd arrived late since Tess had wanted to drink before hand to try and calm her nerves, seeming scared to see all her giant friends again after so long . He was surprised how much alcohol a tiny little thing like herself could put away, a few shots later she was stumbling over her own feet. She was like a little mouse in which he couldn't keep still, squirming and wriggling between his fingers he couldn't manage to keep a sturdy grip on the tiny girl. He felt like stuffing her into his pocket and zipping it close, how did she have so much energy

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