Twenty-One: A Bad Day

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~Above is Lenny~
A/N: Sorry if it's not how you imagined him. I made a few of the character videos and some people have said that's not how they would've pictured the characters to look like.

Imagine them however you like you don't have to go off the videos I made, that's just how I see them in certain aspects.

I'm curious though. Who did you imagine them looking like ?


Twenty-One: A Bad Day


It was the middle of the day and Austin was tired and had a head ache that made his entire body throb, could feel it behind his eyes and in his fingers. It was always the same, a ache on one side of his head that came and went in a pattern. It made him want to pass out and stay there for the rest of the day, but lunch was next and he would have time to finally relax. One eye would water on the painful side and his nose would run. He hated it. It was the same as his Dad, he used to get them also when he'd be stressed about work. Austin on the other hand couldn't figure out what he was stressed about.. Backnott? Since the game was coming up it could be possible..

Tess? He'd been worried about people finding out about her, Jace making it worst by bringing her around to practice with all the guys on his team to see. Not to mention Katy too, his eyes turning on instinct to see that the girl was seated to his right as per usual. She was dressed in a flowy red skirt that reached her knees and tight white top. She must of had a wig on since her head wasn't bald, instead she had long black locks, so curly it looked more like ringlets and being tied into a loose ponytail behind her head. He noticed a red scrunchy in her hair, matching her rosy lips, they were so plump...

Looking away quickly realising he was staring, he lets out a groan and presses his head to the desk trying to ignore the teacher that stood out the front of the classroom, finding the desk cool against his temple that still hurt. He was in biology and couldn't think of anything that could be worst then this class. It was boring and hard, he didn't know why he chose it. His dad has always wanted him to get a good job, go to college and have a real job.

He couldn't wait to hear that bell to go in last period so he could get Tess and go home. He'd been getting headaches for a few days now, it shrouded him like a dark cloud that wouldn't go away and put him in a bad mood which he couldn't help but project onto his friends around him. He didn't want to talk or was generally in a mood. He felt bad for Tess since she was towing most the load, she probably just thought he was a dick.

Finally, the bell rung to announce lunch and everyone climbed out of their seats to escape the classroom, Austin hurrying to get out with his head hung and clutching at his bag straps. He was the first out, stepping into a swarm of teenage headed alone to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was always a choir of loud chatter, each table full of groups of students, everyone always seeming to be raising their voices to be heard over each other . He casts his eyes about him, beginning to daydream as he walked down the hall. The halls were dreary and boring, a few posters hung up trying to lighten the mood but most were torn off by the students. He didn't care what the posters did or didn't say, he was just thinking about what he'd eat when he got inside the cafeteria.

The school hallway had the odour of mould and bleach in certain areas, depressingly mixed with deodorant and body odour in equal measures with the amount of teenagers that swarmed the building every day. Austin kept his head down and pushed his way through the sea bodies.


He could hear it, way before he could see it. A big angry voice, harsh and forced, turning to a loud shout from within the cafeteria. It was an instant reaction around him, everyone beginning to rush forward to see the commotion, bodies pushing past trying to see. Austin was as interested as everyone else but didn't rush, his head too sore to care. He looked up from the ground to follow with the curious flow of the crowd.

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