Sixty-Five: The Drive

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Sixty-Five: The Drive

I couldn't keep my eyes off him as he drove, one hand on the wheel, the other resting lightly in my lap. His long fingers drummed to the song, tapping lightly along with the melody against coarse leather. Looking to the road, his black hair tousled from the wind blowing through the slight crack of the window. I rest my head further into the seat, feeling calm, finding peace in the moment between us.

"Tess" I closed my eyes, smiling as he squeezed my knee, "Tess, wake up" I didn't want to do that, instead sinking further into the seat. I could hear my heart beating, it was beating softly simply a gentle thrum. I was happy, a warm feeling that started in my chest and felt behind my eyes. The longer I kept my eyes closed, the longer I could stay in this moment. I could feel warmth on my cheek as the sun was only beginning to set, could feel his hand on my leg. It was beautifully peaceful. I knew deep down this wasn't real, but I could ignore the brutality's of real life here.

The beating of my heart became louder, suddenly so loud it rattled my brain and i squirmed to get away. Sinking deeper the air was thick, if I opened my eyes I knew I'd be back to reality. I wanted to stay in this dream, I wanted to stay. Please please please stay.  It was so quick, not sudden I didn't gasp for air. Easily my conscience was plucked away from the moment, sucked back into a void.

Opening my eyes I gasped, pulled from sleep I sat up. "Get up! We'll be late!" Austin's face was over me, looking down on me like a scientist inspecting an organism under a microscope. His large eyes, so intrusive and belittling. Pressing my hand to my face, I lay back into my pillows, feeling a rock in the pit of my belly.


[D A R R I C K ]

It was a deep breath, one that filled his lungs and stayed in his chest until it ached too much he had to breathe out. Overcome with guilt and his self condemnation, he couldn't break his eyes from the road. Even when he felt small hands on his thumb, he couldn't bring himself to look down at the girl he'd unfairly condemned to this punishment also.

Austin, Jace, Cole and himself were crammed into the back of a small black car, Tess easily seated on Darrick's lap. Austin rested his head against the window, eyes closed and not uttering a word. Faced with the same guilt that Darrick felt, he knew deep down Austin felt bad. It was his idea to take punishment into his own hands against Lenny. Jace sat behind his father who was driving, rather quiet for the first time but still uttered small words in return to his father who tried to start conversation.

Jaces father, Michael was driving the group to their first day of Community service at HFW (halfway). Michael was a pudgy small man, cheeks a permanent flush of red. Polar opposites Jace's parents were, his father was a little shy and strange, a wild fawn compared to his wife who was a sturdy calf, well, that was the nature of parents nowadays. Opposites tend to attract.

Michael and Jace shared a lot of similarity's, Michael speaking a little too much at the most inappropriate of times. They shared mannerism, Michael using his hands to speak and was always a little anxious when it came to speaking to his wife.

"Are you all excited?" Michael spoke, poking at a new topic, moving to look at the four guys in the back seat but quickly looked back at the road as to not crash the car. Austin didn't move, keeping his eyes closed with his head against the window. Cole shrugged, behind Darrick in the extra seats of the seven seated car. His eyes were glossed over and red. He smelt grassy, meaning he must have decided to smoke this morning to get through the day. He was sunk down into his seat as if his skin had melted to the leather.

"I don't think anyone's excited, dad.."  Jace murmured from beside Darrick, Darrick choosing not to speak and instead looking down into his lap. Smiling lightly, Tess was dossing in his lap, her eyes closed and one hand holding his thumb, the other rested across her chest.

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