Fourteen: Where is she!

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Fourteen: where is she!

School finished with a ring of a bell and the swarm of students hurried out and down the long halls and towards the exit of school, trying to escape, even if it was the first day everyone was itching to leave.

Just like everyone else, Austin was desperate to get out of this hell hole. Lenny was pissing him off on his left and one of Lenny's 'boys' who's name he Austin couldn't quite remember to his right.  Finnick? He didn't quit remember the boy as he annoyed Austin and played on the basketball team. No one knew the basketball team.

"Have you heard Josie is throwing a party on next weekend? You guys thinking of going?" Lenny started, looking to Austin and then Finnick. Finnicks Brown eyes brightened like a kid being handed candy and he gave a nod, as always he was down to party. While Austin gave a nonchalant shrug, eyes on the ground as he walked.

"I dunno man, I mean.. it's the first week of school it's a bit soon for a party.. I'm trying to actually get good grades this year. Dads threatening me with work." Austin gave a small chuckle as he looked at Lenny, who's features twisted to the side, annoyed.

"Well too bad. Cause I over heard Staceys planning to wear that red dress.. you know the one" Lenny snorts, a devilish smile licking at his lips and humour glimmering behind his icy eyes. Austin scrunched his nose in return and gave a shove to Lenny's arm

Oh boy did Austin know exactly the red dress Lenny spoke of. New Years Eve, a bottle of whiskey. He had no chance .

"Don't know what your talking about.. piss off already, Len" Austin shoves Lenny in the chest again playfully with a chuckle, making Lenny grunt as he pulled away to trudge off after Cole and the other boys to his place.

Rolling his eyes watching the group of boys walk off, he gave a small smile to himself as he turned his eyes to look around. He was stood in front of the school, most buses left by now and other kids were probably already on their ways home. Only a few stragglers waiting for late buses like his. It was so quiet, no more hustle, no hurry, no life, not a sound.

Moving over to the bus stop he leans himself against a blue pole while taking out his phone and earbuds to to listen to music while he waited for the bus. Shoving his hand into his pocket he lets his head drop and hair fall into his eyes, trying to hide from the other students with his phone and pole.

School had been shit for him, so incredibly shit. he wasn't really in the best of moods. Lenny and Stephanie had been bugging him all day about Tess, asking about her and saying some unimaginably cruel things they wanted to do to her. Even Stephanie's thick friend Josie tried to join in on their conversation.

They didn't give him the time to go see Tess at lunch like he promised, didn't even give him the slightest f chances. Not even when he tried to escape to the bathroom, Lenny followed him in! Otherwise he would've gone, somehow snuck away to avoid them but just couldn't.. he couldn't risk it!

He had been trapped and didn't wanna risk them finding out. He had even made Jace lie to Tess that he was at Backnott training when really he was trying to keep his reputation with his friends so they wouldn't think he was some kind of human lover.

Hearing the sound of brakes he looked up only to groan. The bus isnt new and sleek like the morning bus, rumbling over the road with a cough and splutter and running up the road so fast that students had to step out of the way to avoid being hit. His bus of course had to be the ugliest, oldest bus around. The bus driver a hairy old looking man, with a beard that grew down to his belly and a cowboy hat that looked old and probably smelled of ash.

Glancing about the campus, he felt the urge to sprint to the bus and just hide in the back. So embarrassing.  But he couldn't do that or people would think he's a freak. He didn't know why but he'd always had this cloud over his head, thoughts always scratching at the back of his mind that everyone was judging. Everyone was watching him, looking at his next move. He'd always been like this, even as a kid he'd always think what people might say, what would they think if he did this, or say that. It only got worst in high school.

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