Fifty-Four: Babysitting

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Fifty-Four: Babysitting

[ J A C E ]

He could've sat on the bed and ignored him all day, Austin's bed was fairly comfortable and Jace had dozed in it before. But as he lay there now on his phone, he couldn't relax with the constant whining of Lenny. Pulling a pillow over his head, he closed his eyes and tries to try block out his nagging voice.

"Jace I'm hungry get us some food would you"

"Jace don't ignore me"

"Jace! Your so dumb, answer me. I'm gonna starve and it's your fault"

Jace groaned and curled his knees up and to his chest where he lay on his side upon the bed. He much rather Lenny be scared of him at that point, maybe he'd shut up. He didn't really know why he agreed to look after Lenny, he'd been a bit mad at Austin for referring to him kissing him when he'd been drunk to Lenny. He was sick to death of people saying he was gay, maybe he was, but he didn't want to admit that. He knew he loved Cole but he knew that loving a friend was normal, wanting to kiss them probably wasn't. Not for a guy anyways that had always identified as a straight white male. Rolling onto his back he pushed the pillow off his face to stare at the ceiling, pressing his lips together into a line deep in thought. While being gay wasn't a bad thing, his hometown had always been a little homophobic he guessed, not being so open to new topics like humans and a gay man. Especially with the most popular people in town being guys like Austin, captain of the Backnott team and "ladies man".

Sighing deeply, he lifted his head then to look toward the cage seeing Lenny leant up against the bars like a prisoner with his arms hung out begging for freedom. His cheek was smushed against the bars, eyes closed looking weak from Austin not having properly fed the boy. Austin wasn't the best with pets, let alone Lenny who was now a human sized giant. Giants had a massive appetite, it was probably easy to forget even when shrunk they still were significantly more hungry then the average human. As a kid Austin had a pet called a Grey Clenent named Dozer, a rat looking thing for a human but much fluffier and long ears. Much bigger then a human, Tess could probably ride one of the larger Clenents if she wanted but were More like the size of a small dog to giants. Clements we're a very expensive animal, rare and very cute. They were very calm also, not the best thing for a crazy 12 year old boy. Austin probably had Dozer for about two weeks before he lost it in the backyard, Jace always thought he may have killed it but didn't want to admit he killed Dozer. Poor Dozer

Not letting Lenny become another dozer, slipping out of the bed he moved to crouch before the desk in front of the cage, Lenny perking up suddenly he retreated the the back of the cage quickly, startled by Jace appearing in front of him. Jace rolled his eyes and moved to open the hatch of the cage, located on the top of the cage so Lenny couldn't open it himself.

"What are you doing!" Lenny snapped as he curled into the corner of the cage, looking as if he was trying to disappear into the bars. Jace raised a brow down at Lenny, his tone wasn't confident something more childlike and full of fear.

"I'm helping. You know, it's called being nice. Something you wouldn't know how to be" Jace reached into the cage, offering his hand for Lenny who looked at it hesitantly with uncertainty "You said you wanted food" Jace reminded Lenny, moving his hand closer to Lenny so he could climb into his palm that faced up for him. Lenny flinched, pulling his legs up and hugging his knees to his chest. Shaking his head, he scowled up toward Jace

"I'm not letting you carry me" Lenny glared, turning as if to turn his back on Jace. Jace sighed and reached in further, something he'd never really done before with Tess but he grabbed Lenny and lifted him out. Gathering him up in one hand, he curled his fingers around the boys legs and abdomen. Feeling his small body squirming and trying to thrash out of his grasp, he had to tighten his grip a little to not drop Lenny. He was considerably much stronger then Tess, pushing his larger fingers and kicking, it didn't hurt but there was definitely a lot more strength behind his hits. Jace still managed to lift him up and out of the cage, bringing the shrunken boy to eye level

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