Fifty-Eight: Run Away

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Fifty-Eight: Run Away

There is a kind of fast movement that is precise and well thought through, not the impulsive and random swipes of the cornered and stupid, yet more with the calculation of the chess player. Austin had been known to be quick witted, had to be when playing the game of Backnott most his life when he'd be chased down the field, trying to defend the score line when a fast player tried dodging his swings. Still sure Tess was safe, he leapt to his feet and rushed into the tree line He'd been chased before by those  who were stronger and in numbers upon the field and many other occasions.

"Austin!" Darrick's voice was loud behind him, most likely because of his new size but he ignored the giant teen. Meanwhile Darrick was in a state of panic, wanting to make sure Tess was okay since Austin had carelessly left her in the grass but also didn't want to get too close since he could hardly see her and didn't want to hurt her. He didn't seem to realise the situation at hand, someone could have seen him grown but was more worried about Tess as he tried shrinking

Austin ran fast, as a kid he use to either hide or found refuge when he'd get in trouble by his father/ teacher or in a game of tag. But as he grew larger, people chased him in his most powerful moments when sprinting down the field.  He would escape the hands of the opposing team every time to win the game or score. But those moments when running, his brain on speed-mode, ultra focused on the attack, replaying his moments when playing Backnott in his head as if they were filmed in slow motion. But when he'd crash tackled the body that was responsiple for the flash camera, he didn't think he'd be tackling a girl. A loud shrill scream came from the girl as they hit the ground together in a pile of limbs. Real men defend women and here he was tackling a girl to the ground. Pulling back, his head and heart pounding he looked down at the girl beneath him

"Josie?" Austin backpedaled his thoughts, breath heavy he scanned the features of the brunette that had been squashed between his chest and the dirt

"get off me!" Josie screamed, shoving at Austin and kicking madly "I know what you did! You took him I know it!"

"What are you doing out here?!" Austin snapped a little, climbing to his feet off of the girl , he then dragged a squirming Josie up with him. She was a shaky blubbering mess, her hair wild on her head and dirt stained on her cheek from when they fell together. She was a very attractive girl, who had fallen for a douche like Lenny. He'd had moments in the past where he could've slept with her, but chose not to fall into the list of men she'd slept around with. Especially not wanting to get on Lenny's bad side considering she was something more like an item Lenny owned. Pulling her by her wrist he tried getting her as far as possible away from Darrick, Josie tried tugging on her arm to try free herself but was too weak compared to a much stronger and taller Austin.

"You kidnapped him! I know it! I knew it was you!" She shrieked, thrashing madly to free herself. Austin couldn't understand what she meant, only focused on getting her away. Punching at his arm, she cried out "someone help me!" She screamed. This made Austin turn sharply and grab Josie by the shoulders, shaking her violently to try shut her up

"What the hell are you going on about! What did you see!" Austin shouted, his voice louder then he meant but was trying to snap this girl out of her hysterics. If she'd seen Darrick, if she got a photo of him. Who knew what would happen. At that thought he swiped at her phone, seeing it in her hand still, he snatched it from her hand and with his good arm, throwing it as far as he could into the forest

"Wha-" she gasped, taking a second to realise what had happened as her phone disappeared into the depths of the forest, probably shattering into a millions pieces with Austin's strong throw. Turning to Austin she sent a burning glare up at him "how dare you! Where's Lennys! He's in that abandoned rangers hut isn't he! I've been following you, I know what your up-to!" Josie snapped, punching at Austin's chest a few times, who didn't budge in response. She stared up at Austin when she realised her efforts were futile, tears welling in her eyes she began to break down in heart renching sobs in his hands. Her body fell limp and her knees gave way, Austin having to hold her entire body weight as she cried, Josie wanting to sink to the ground.

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