삼십 - Chapter 30

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I despise tests

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I despise tests. I get nervous and shaky when I take them. There is just something terrifying about one measly test that can completely ruin your grade for the semester. When I stepped out of the last class of my freshman year, I almost felt like collapsing right there. The stress slipped off my shoulders as I walked out of the math building and into the bright sunlight.


I turn and see Haru running over to me from her building and I'm glad she is done at the same time so we can walk back home together, "Hey, how was your last final?"

"Hell. But I think I passed. I'm so ready to get drunk tonight," I said as we sling our arms around each other's waists and start walking back to our apartment.

"What time are we going over there?"

Tonight the guys wanted to hold a congratulations dinner for us. Haru and I argued that we didn't need anything but they wouldn't take no as an answer. Jin said if we didn't want to call it that then it would just be all of us getting together before they leave for tour and I leave for the States, "Minjun said he would try to get their practice done by 7:30 so that they could be there by 8."

"It's only 2:30, though," she said, pouting a little.

"What? Missing your boy toy?"

Her face grows a deep shade of red as she pushes me away from her. I can't help but laugh at her reaction. Apparently, she and Namjoon have gone on a few 'study' dates, and they went really well. I'm excited to see how their relationship goes. They both deserve to be happy.

"What about you? Have you and Minjun talked?"

I sighed and thought back to the conversation Jun and I had a few weeks ago. I was tired of him ignoring me. I had him come over one night and the conversation didn't go smoothly.

As soon as the door to my bedroom closed, Minjun was kissing me. But I wasn't in the mood for this today. I didn't want to dance around the issues between us any longer.

"Junnie, we need to talk."

He groaned as his lips left mine and his head fell to my shoulder, "Seriously, Mel? Can we not do this tonight? I'm tired and I just want to be with you."

"No. If you don't talk to me tonight, then we're done."

"What? Quit overreacting-"

"I'm not overreacting. I've been trying to talk to you for weeks. You keep ditching me for Jimin. The only time you're around now is when you want to get in my pants," I snapped.

"Fine. We can talk," he walks over to my bed and drags me over to sit beside him, "What about?"

I take a deep breath before telling him about what Haru said to me about his past. I see his face harden, looking away from me.

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