[20] haha, yeah, stabbed...

Start from the beginning

"Evan? Zane? And...friends?"

"Zane's hurt." Evan said shortly, jerking his head for the others to shuffle forwards to show his father. For a boy who was considerably shorter than everyone but Jay, he conveyed a lot of poise and stern order.

"Oh my," Christopher Julien whispered.

"Oh my, my ass." interjected Kai hotly, "He's got metal through his leg! And ketchup!" Then he took a long slurp of his energy drink to fill the silence.

"Yes, I don't quite understand why such a condiment would be on Zane's leg." frowned Evan's father, neatly avoiding the topic at hand.

"Oh, that was me," piped up Jay affably, "It just looked so strange, him being stabbed by metal and not bleeding, y'know?"

Pixal clapped her hands together with a sigh, drawing everyone's attention to her. She tipped her head towards Evan, her explanation brief. "Evan said we shouldn't take my not-bleeding boyfriend to a hospital, because you could fix this. Care to explain?"

Dr Julien turned into a goldfish, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find his words.

"Yes—yes, Evan, Zane and Pixal can come in."

"DO NOT DO THIS CHRISTOPHER." thundered a voice from Dr Julien's laptop.

Pixal stood on her tiptoes to look over the inventor's shoulder. "Dad?"

"Christopher, please, don't tell her." begged Cyrus Borg through the call.

"Tell me what?" snapped Pixal, her patience broken. She helped Zane limp inside and Evan slipped in before the door closed behind him, locking it with his fingers crossed.

Dr Julien helped Zane up on a workbench to rest, Pixal and Evan took the other two chairs in the room as he sat behind the desk, running his fingers through his stark white hair nervously. Knowing what was coming, Evan remained quiet, folding his hands together.

"Well, you see Pixal, your father doesn't want me to tell you that you're, well, an android."

Not the best execution.

"An android?" blurted Pixal, her eyes flashing a dangerous shade of green.

"No!" howled Borg from the computer's speakers, and there was a faint sound of something being bashed and Evan suspected that it was Borg's forehead in contact with his desk.

"Yes," nodded Dr Julien, his shoulders trembling.

"And, well, Zane and Evan are androids too."


The now engaged lady kissed her fiance again and Skylor bit on her tongue as she averted her gaze away from the happy couple to where Liam was sitting in front of her. She had to admit he looked quite nice, a button down shirt and pants that matched the vibe of the restaurant, which was, fancy. Harumi had chosen everything for Skylor that she was wearing.

Apparently, her eyelashes could do with some darkening. A light layer of makeup, a natural look, the mayor's daughter had said. Skylor had been forced into a little black dress which clung to her skin like a leech and was dreadfully uncomfortable, however, as Harumi had predicted, Liam thought she looked quite nice.

She took a swig of her water and carefully cut a corner of their shared dessert which was slowly dwindling in size, pausing to offer Liam a light smile. He returned it with a grin, and Skylor tucked a loose strand of wine-red hair from her low bun behind her ear. She thanked her mother for not giving her a fake-looking red, rather a rich, glossy tone that accompanied the glint of amber in her eyes beautifully.

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