old friend

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My eyes grew wide as I remembered Poe. I hadn't seen him in decades, and I wondered if he was any different. I couldn't think of why he wouldn't have changed. I mean look at me, so much has happened since I last saw him.

He was always so selfless and such a wonderful friend. I hoped that the war hadn't changed him. "Where is he?" I whispered, standing from my seat on the bed with a grin. Leia smirked as she nodded her head towards the outside. I peered over to see what I assumed to be Poe, talking to both Kiaran and Lia. His back was faced to me, but even then my heart still picked up speed.

It was hard to explain what I felt. He was my best friend, and I hadn't seen him for such a long time. We were so close as kids, and I wondered what it would be like now. 

I slowly walked out from the canopy, halting several yards away from him. I cleared my throat, not exactly knowing what to do. He turned around, his warm brown eyes connecting with mine.

I beamed, overjoyed tears collecting in my eyes. "Y/n?" He whispered, standing frozen in complete shock. I immediately took off, jumping into his open arms. He grunted slightly at impact but hugged me back tightly. 

"Poe!" I squealed, digging my face into the crook of his neck. Eventually, we broke apart, our eyes scanning each others' faces.

"You grew up!" He exclaimed, his eyes glossy with tears as he laughed heartily. "So did you! You got handsome!" I chuckled, squeezing his cheeks. "I always was, l/n." He sassed, his voice sounding funny as I squished his cheeks. I giggled, giving him a swift hug again. I glanced over his shoulder to see Lia & Kiaran awkwardly standing off to the side, smiling at us. I smiled back, motioning for them to come closer.

"Lia, Kiaran, meet Poe Dameron." I gushed, moving them to face in front of Poe. Lia held out her hand in a friendly manner, shaking his. Kiaran grinned, patting Poe on the back. "I've heard brilliant things about you, mate." Poe smiled broadly, feeling his ego growing as a First Order trooper complemented his expertise.

"Nice to meet you guys. You'll fit in nicely here." He responded, dropping his hand back to his side. "I'll get someone to find new uniforms." He commented, his eyes scanning over their current First Order uniforms.

They both nodded agreeably, excited to finally be rid of anything First Order related. I placed a hand on Poe's shoulder, smirking up at him. "So, what's changed?" I chirped, looking around the base.

 "Everything." He whispered, looking around. I noticed that Rey and Luke had gone off somewhere, and Leia wasn't sitting on my bed anymore.

"Poe, can you-" I heard, glancing over to see a middle-aged woman, who halted abruptly when she saw me. I smiled slightly, looking over her features with a feeling of remembrance and nostalgia. Her hazel eyes were bright, while her sandy brown hair was tied up into some form of complicated braid on the back of her head. She looked stunned.

Poe smiled knowingly as he glanced at her, pushing me forward. 

"Jynna, it's her." He whispered, looking from her to me. The woman smiled, nodding. I took in a deep breath, finally realizing what he meant. 

"Mom?" I whispered, my voice breaking slightly. 

She nodded slowly with a small shrug, biting her lip as tears collected in her eyes. She wasted no time rushing forward, wrapping me in the most rib-crushing hug I had ever felt. My eyes were wide as I hugged her back, not fully processing what was happening.

She pulled away a moment later, eyes scanning over my face as her hands cupped my cheeks. "My little star, you're a woman now." She gasped, tears now falling freely from her eyes. "I didn't know if I would ever see you again. I felt you, but I couldn't believe it." She rambled.

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