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Theed City, Naboo ~ 5-years-old

The many suns were setting on Naboo as a couple frantically made their way through the busy streets of Theed. Eventually, they stopped in front of a fairly large palace at the edge of the city, owned by one of the richest gamblers in the trade. They glanced at each other nervously before cautiously making their way up the steps, arriving at the main gate. 

An intercom buzzed loudly, bringing their attention towards it.

A strict voice was heard over the static.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?" It demanded impatiently. One of the pair, the man, spoke up. "My name is Bain l/n, this is my wife Jynna, and our daughter."

He took in a deep breath, composing himself.

"We've come for a trade." He answered. Nothing was heard on the other end of the intercom for a few moments when suddenly the gate started to open. 

The family peered around, carefully making their way inside.

The courtyard was fairly large, and it was filled with expensive furniture and ships, the owner clearly trying to show off their collection. A man stepped forward, wearing a very costly-looking suit. 

"What is this trade you speak of?" He asked suspiciously, eyeing the couple and their small child. "We wish," Bain stuttered, taking a deep breath as he regained his composure and finished his sentence. 

"We wish to trade our child for credits." He said, almost debating his words.

The man studied the small child for a moment, nodding toward the couple. "We will give you two thousand credits for the child." He announced, looking at the couple for a response. They nodded towards him. 

The woman placed the child on the ground, kneeling down to her height. "Y/n, please listen to me," Jynna began, looking at her daughter.

The child was dressed in ragged robes, with her h/c hair twisted into a messy braid-type hairstyle. She was too content in her mother's aura of warmth and comfort to notice the urgency in her voice.

So the child reached out to play with a strand of her hair. 

"You're going to stay with these nice people, okay? One day we will meet again. I promise." She whispered the last part, making sure only the child heard. The little girl nodded with a small, sweet smile. 

As a child, nothing seemed temporary. She would always be with her mother. Safe. 

"Where are you going?" The child murmured sadly as her mother began to stand, letting go of the strand of hair. The woman thought about her question for a moment, but reluctantly decided not to answer it.

"Please be good, y/n, just as we taught you," Jynna replied, straightening her back and taking y/n's small hand, leading her over to the man. 

"Take care of her, please. She's smart and hardworking. She won't give you any trouble." Jynna told the man, gently pushing y/n towards him.

The man nodded to her, taking the small child's hand.

"Bye, mommy! Bye, daddy!" The child yelled, watched them wave to her before rushing out of the palace. She didn't know that her mother and father wouldn't be coming back to get her. 

The man led the child inside, taking her to her new room. "You have a very nice house." The girl told the man. The man only chuckled before replying.

"This isn't my house, young y/n. You will meet the owner of this house tomorrow morning. But for now, you need rest and get a change of clothes." He stated. Great, she thought, her parents wanted her to help this kind man before they came back to pick her up. 

Y/n smiled and nodded eagerly, disappearing into her new room.

Her room was small, she quickly noticed. It much resembled the closet she always hid in when she played hide and seek at the base. There was a tiny bed in the corner of the room, a pale and dusty blue color. The wardrobe standing next to it looked almost ancient as if it were ready to fall apart at any given moment.

Y/n walked over towards the bed, immediately hearing a loud squeak as she sat down. This room very much contrasted the rest of the estate that she had seen so far. And it was quiet, almost unsettlingly so. So much of a distinction from back at the base, where the sound of the intercom and fighters taking off filled her ears almost constantly.

Everything here was grandiloquent and of a certain aesthetic, also as opposed to her home. It didn't have any sort of warmth or comfort.

She glanced back up at the door, noticing that it was shut. She quickly hopped off of the bed, running over to the door and placing a hand on the knob. Although many attempts were made, she couldn't open the door. It was locked.

She began to sniffle, hugging her arms around herself as she sat on the floor in front of her new bed. 

When were mom and dad going to come back and get her? Were her friends going to send out a rescue mission to bring her home?

Her mind was filled with these thoughts as snowflakes, creating a snowstorm in her mind. Were her parents actually coming back for her? Sure, of course, they were. They never left her behind. She began to feel tears escape her eyes as she shivered.

Maybe she could find her way out of here and get back home. Her mother and father would be so proud of her. They would hug and kiss her, showering her with praises on her wit and maturity. 

But alas, she had an inevitable feeling in her stomach, almost as if she knew that she wasn't going back home anytime soon.

All she wanted to be was in her mother's arms.

Where are you?

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