worth a try

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𝙆𝙮𝙡𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"Moondust." She whispered breathlessly, glancing up into my eyes. I froze in my spot, taken aback by the random mention of the old nickname, which I hadn't heard in what felt like forever. My eyes grew wide as I stared down at her. 

"Do you remember?" I asked carefully, trying to seem casual even though my stomach was in knots. She seemed uncertain of herself for a second before she shook her head.

"You'll probably think I'm crazy. I had a dream that we were both in a meadow. You told me that you wanted to stay there forever, with me." I smiled, reliving that night in my memory. 

"You called me your space angel." She tilted her head as she whispered the last part. My eyes widened as I recalled the nickname I would always call her. She used to love that nickname so much, although she pretended not to.

"I always used to call you that. And you called me moondust." I said to her. She nodded but remained quiet for a moment, lost in thought, before speaking again. There's gotta be backstory to those nicknames...

"I believe that I did once know you, Kylo Ren. But I don't seem to remember. Anything." She huffed. I furrowed my brows in confusion. 

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked her. She squinted her eyes, trying to pull the memory, or any memory, from her mind.

"I don't remember much from when I was little kid. And by much, I mean absolutely nothing. Parents? Nope. Home? No. Childhood? No. I guess I really do have a shitty memory." 

I nodded, glancing back down at her face. "Besides the ship, I guess." She commented, cringing at the unpleasant memory. The ship? The ship. The pod.

"The ship, was it rusty and size of an escape pod?" I asked, impatient for her response. Her brows furrowed as she nodded, confused as to how I knew the information.

"...Uh, yeah. It's the last thing I remember." She whispered, crossing her arms over her chest.

We sat in silence. It wasn't weird. It wasn't awkward. We were on the brink of figuring something out. But what was it? That's when it dawned on me.


𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I took in a deep breath at his realization, realizing how much sense it made. I had no recollection of my childhood up until the crash. I stepped away from him and started pacing around his bedroom, consulting my thoughts. 

"Is there any way to recover the lost memories? I want to remember. All of it. I want to remember you." I said confidently. He thought about it for a moment, nodding.

"I can take you to the medical wing. I can't promise anything, but they're the best hope." He answered. I hurriedly followed him out of the bedroom and toward the medical wing. 

As we walked, I saw several dozen stormtroopers staring at me quizzically as they passed by. I'm not surprised, seeing as I was still wearing my casual outfit from back on Naboo. I took in a deep breath, stepping into the wing right behind Kylo. He led me over to a small room, which was equipped with basic medical equipment, where he left me to sit on the cot while he called for a practitioner.

I glanced around the room, taking in the familiar color palette and ambiance. It was slightly warmer here, but the change wasn't enough to stop me from shivering. This whole ship only seemed to consist of three colors. Black, gray, and blood orange-red. 

It was all bleak and cold compared to the brightness of the wildflowers in the Naboo countryside. Being here made me realize how sheltered I had been on Naboo. I hadn't been exposed to the so-called "real world". And it was frightening here. Could there be a colder place than this? Maybe Hoth. 

I felt as though I was sitting in a void. Surely there ought to be more color and warmth here.

Not much later, Kylo returned with someone, and I got a taste for Kylo's effect on his inferiors. Although the doctor appeared more confident than the stormtroopers in the halls, he cowered when standing next to Kylo, who was a good five inches taller than him.

"There is no cure for amnesia, unfortunately, but there's an alternate approach," I nodded as he continued, hardly ever glancing at Kylo. "We can do it, as long as you can accept that there are uncertainties. " He finished.

I looked up at Kylo, who had a hesitant expression on his face. "Okay." I accepted, nodding pointedly towards the doctor.

"We will retrieve your memories, they'll be restored, but not all of them might be there." I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek.

𝙆𝙮𝙡𝙤'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I glanced over at y/n, who had a determined look in her eyes. Just like I remember. 

Once the doctor finished, she stared directly into my eyes, searching for an answer. I gave her a short nod, glancing back at the doctor.

"Okay." She replied assuredly. The doctor gave a nod toward both of us before leaving to prepare. I peered over at y/n, who was leaning against the wall. I felt pity for her. She had gone through a lot today, and I knew that it was probably overwhelming for her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I questioned. She nodded. "I feel like I know you. I can't lose that. Not after everything that's happened." She responded, her voice trailing off toward the end. "I don't want to go back to my old life. I was someone different them." Her eyes caught mine.

"I don't feel at place, anywhere. But...this is the closest I've felt to home in the longest time."

I walked over to her, gently lifting her chin with my gloved fingers. The side of her lip turned up, still looking unsure of the situation. 

"If this works," She began, her voice shivering slightly, "Who will I become?" I stiffened for a second. "Whatever you want to be." I started vaguely, unsure of how to answer. "I think it's best if we save that question for after you get your memories back."

"What if I don't get my memories back? What if it doesn't work?" She asked softly, crossing her arms over her chest once more. I didn't want to answer that question. "Well, then you have the option of going back to Naboo...if you choose." She nodded slowly, her eyes trailing to her feet as she seemed to be lost in thought.

I could feel her relax more. I had faith that she would get her memories back. Everything that was happening made me on edge, but I knew it was for the best.

 If we had any hope at getting her memories back, it was worth a shot.

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