the best friend

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I won't ever let you go, Ben.

                                   ————- ✼ ————-

𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I smiled against Kylo's lips as he pulled away, his hair falling slightly in my face as I brought my hand up to push it back. "Ready to build your lightsaber?" He asked enthusiastically, moving from his position on top of me. I nodded happily.

"Is it going to be any different from last time?" I asked, referencing to when I built my last lightsaber back at Luke's temple. He shook his head. "The crystal is already red, so you don't need to taint or crack it." He replied, looking away as he put his uniform back on. 

I took in a deep breath, noting how he had closed off his mind to me when he said that.

When we were back at Luke's temple we had been assigned to read the Ancient runes of both the Jedi and the Sith religions. They weren't exactly light reads, and it took each of us around two weeks to get through each of them, even if we dedicated around six hours of the day to reading.

I don't remember much about them, though I found the Sith handbook far more interesting than the Jedi one. A chapter that stood out to me was the one detailing the make and models of Lightsabers and their corresponding kyber crystals.

The Sith, opposed to the Jedi who were extremely traditional with their practices, often let the user create their saber any way that they wanted to. Experimentation was very popular amongst the Sith. But one thing stayed the same when making a dark side saber. The red crystal. It was very rare to find a naturally red kyber crystal, so most of the Sith had to 'bleed' their crystals.

This process was not only painful, but it also signified the complete transformation of the person. One's blood had to be spilled onto the crystal in order to permanently turn it into that infamous blood-red shade. 

I suddenly felt a wave of pain shoot through me as I thought about Kylo. He had done that to make his saber. I imagined how much pain he had been through leading up to that point. He had abandoned everything that he had previously worked toward his whole life. 

The amount of turmoil his mind must've been through made me feel sick. He had done it alone, having lost all hope for himself.

We sat in a strange silence, neither of us saying anything as our minds were lost in thought. It was around 1300, so I still had the whole day to put the lightsaber together.

"You had to bleed yours." I whispered, my eyes cast down onto the floor. 

He nodded. 

"Yes, I did." His voice was steady and emotionless, almost as if over time he had trained himself not to react to the memory of it, to the pain of it.

"I'm so glad you don't have to." He winced, immediately turning away from my gaze.

Once I was dressed, I followed him out of the room, kyber crystal in hand. Side by side, we walked down the fairly occupied halls. 

Once we arrived at the room, it immediately looked familiar. This was the room that I had trained with Kylo in. 

That was so long ago. I thought, recalling our training there. Kylo seemed to also be thinking about it (a different element of it) as he smirked at me, causing me to roll my eyes with a snort. 

Such a child.

On a table against the wall, there was an assortment of lightsaber pieces, each one perfectly cleaned. I smiled in excitement as I skipped over to the table, eyes scanning over the parts. My gaze landed on several parts that fit my aesthetic, which I then picked up using the force.

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