this wasn't supposed to happen

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 "AJ?" I whispered sadly.

                                        ————- ✼ ————-

𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

Hersh looked up immediately. "Yeah, that was his code thingy." His eyes narrowed at my dark expression. "Why? Do you know him?" Hersh asked confusedly. 

"Yeah, I do," I muttered angrily, turning away from him. 

I was hurt. Hurt that he didn't tell me. Hurt that he tricked me. It wasn't just about him anymore. Everything in my life always seemed to be a lie, and I had enough of it. 

I wasn't gonna take that shit anymore.

I felt my anger grow as I glared at Hux dead in the eye. "Stay here. Don't let him escape. I'll be back." I announced, rushing out of the room and down the hall. Everything seemed to be too loud as I walked. The sound of my heels hitting the tile, the weight of my breath the thoughts racing throughout my mind. The sound of static began to clear everything up, almost as if my hearing was numb if that made any sense at all.

As soon as I could feel AJ's presence on the other side of the training room door, I stopped. I placed my hand on the door, giving myself a few seconds before I would have to open the door. I knew that once that door opened, everything would change. Everything.

Sure enough, the door opened only moments later, and I saw him. AJ, or 'Sebastian Cee'. He was practicing in the training room with Leo. 

Oh gods, poor Leo.

I pushed Leo back with the force semi-gently, thrusting Sebastian against the nearest wall. "Y/n, wha-" Leo started, staring at me in shock. "Y-You son of a bitch!" I shrieked, only to be pulled off by Leo. 

"What're you talking about?!" Leo yelled, letting go of my arm. 

I glared and pointed at Sebastian. "He lied. I know where you come from." I sneered, watching as Sebastian's eyes went wide. "Liar." I whispered to him as we made eye contact. 

That seemed to cut deep, but he wasn't about to back down.

"Y/n, what do you know?" Sebastian asked carefully, moving slowly as to not anger me any more than I already was. Leo eyed us in confusion, not moving from his place as he looked between us. 

"What's he going on about?" He demanded, his head turned to me. I glanced over at Leo sympathetically.

"He's a part of the Resistance!" I responded, my voice rising. Leo's eyes went wide as he stared deeply into mine, searching for a reason to disprove my accusation. He glanced back at Sebastian with a wounded expression when he got nothing out of me. "Is it true? And don't lie, she'll know if you do." He urged haphazardly, his lip twitching. 

Sebastian took in a deep breath as he nodded. 

Leo's face morphed into horror as he went up to slam Sebastian against the wall. "You lied to all of us! What are you playing at?!" He yelled, stepping back. He didn't say anything else, just stared at Sebastian, who had a torn expression on his face.

 "I trusted you. We all did."

I took another step forward toward the pair of them. "If you won't say it, I will."


"His real name is Sebastian Cee, and he was sent here to gather intel," I stated, glaring daggers at Sebastian as his head hung low. 

Serves his right. He deserves the humiliation and the guilt.

But why does it still hurt?

The Reign of Darkness (Kylo Ren x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora