fucked up

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I need to warn Rey about Palpatine

                                     ————- ✼ ————-

𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I woke up to an empty bed, sighing as I picked my head up to glance at the time. 0730. Kylo was going to be in a meeting for the next two hours, which gave me more than enough time to tell Rey of what had happened without having to worry about him finding out.

I slowly eased myself over the side of the bed, sluggishly walking toward the bathroom. The black tile was cool under my feet, I was used to it by now. 

As I glanced up in the mirror, I noticed that my reflection had changed from the one back on Naboo. There were dark circles under my eyes, leaving my face looking sleep-ridden.

The bright eyes that I once held were dulled and tired. My hair had grown quite a few inches, but it really didn't make a difference. I frowned, reaching my hand out and delicately touching my reflection in the mirror.

I didn't recognize myself. I looked like the shell of the person I used to be.

I remembered how my eyes had turned yellow that one day with Rey. How I had let my anger get the best of me. How I had dented the wall, not caring about who I was turning into. I was foolish to believe that I could resist it. 

Is this really me? I asked myself, thinking about the old days on Naboo. Back when I didn't have a care in the universe. Back when things weren't complicated. Back when the thing I worried about most was getting to my shift on time. 

I was beginning to crave my old life.

I was sure that I liked my new life here, but was I just trying to convince myself? My thoughts drifted back and forth between the First Order and the Resistance.

Would my life be better in the Resistance, or is war the same everywhere?

I didn't really know what side I was on at this point. 

Had anyone really asked me what I wanted? Stars, that question made me feel selfish.

Everyone had always assumed that I wanted to be with the First Order, but I just wanted to stay with Ben. Ben was the only reason why I had ever stayed on the New Supremacy.

I had grown up at the temple with Luke, as I was taught the light side of the force. 

The light side felt right. It felt like home. Luke had told us of the difficulties in the dark side of the force, but I had never really paid much mind to them. 

Now I understood. I understood what I had to do.

I quickly got ready, ditching my cape and up-do. I swallowed the pill Lia gave me, placing the container back on the bathroom counter. I paced towards the window, reaching out in the endless galaxy ahead of me. 

Rey. I called, not sure if she would respond. 

In a moment's time, I heard a faint echo in my mind before seeing Rey standing in front of me. I shrieked, clutching onto my chest in momentary panic.

"Rey? How did you get here?! Doesn't matter, you can't be here or they'll see you!" I whisper-yelled, confused as to why she had come back. She chuckled. "I'm not really here, y/n. I projected myself through the force." She explained, which had not helped my confusion at all. "No one can see me except you." She reassured, causing me to nod and relax a bit more.

"Any news?" She asked. I nodded my head, biting my lip. "It's Kylo. He's found it, the Wayfinder." I stated grimly, crossing my arms. She nodded slowly. "I'm about to go on a search mission to find the other one with a few friends. We have a lead, and I hope it'll be enough." She replied enthusiastically.

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