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𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I woke up to a light throbbing in my head, followed by the sound of people talking quietly nearby. I groaned, trying to adjust my eyes to the bright fluorescent lights in the room. My eyes widened as I saw that I was in some sort of recovery room. I already assumed that I was on the  New Supremacy, judging by the colors in the room (black and gray). 

I took in a quick breath as my eyes went wide, quickly sitting up in my bed as my eyes scanned the room frantically, now fully awake. 

"Kylo?!" I yelled, only to find that no sound escaped my lips. 

My hand went straight to my throat, rubbing it slightly as I looked to my side to see a nurse filling out paperwork, and I cleared my throat. She glanced up at me, her light green eyes catching me off guard. 

"Hi! My name is Liadra Runarian. I'm your nurse." She announced in a cheerful tone. I gave her a small smile, noticing that she was around my age. 

"It's nice to meet you, Liadra," I replied sincerely. She stared at me for a second before continuing.

"You probably want to know what happened." She stated as I nodded. She hastily took a seat at the edge of the bed, leaning in like she was about to tell me a secret. "Well, it was rather stressful, to be honest. See, you arrived here completely unconscious. Gave us a right good scare. I've never seen the Supreme Leader that tense before." She added as I blushed.

"You don't have any signs of physical injuries, you just passed out due to lack of energy and you need sleep to recharge." She explained as I nodded,

It made sense, seeing as I had basically used up all of my energy so that we could escape the ship. "We were being fired on." I began, glancing up to see her staring at me with intrigue in her eyes. 

"We were about to leave Naboo's atmosphere when we were fired on by a rando ship. It obviously wasn't Resistance, so I don't know why they were after us. After a few minutes of dodging their shots, I decided to help." I explained, shrugging as I sat up more in the bed.

Liadra's eyes went wide as she continued to listen to my account.

 I could tell that we would be good friends. "Wow! I don't know how you could do that well under pressure, y/n!" She exclaimed after I finished the story.

"Thanks, Liadra. I hope that we'll be friends." I responded with a smile. She quickly grabbed my hands. "That would be lovely! There are far too many men on this ship for my liking." She groaned, causing me to chuckle. 

We sat in silence for only a moment before I remembered Kylo. "Where's the Supreme Leader currently?" I asked, eager to see him again. "Since you're awake, you're free to leave," Liadra explained, understanding my impatience. I nodded thankfully towards her, getting out of the bed and looking for my belongings.

"Oh, The Supreme Leader said that he was going to take all of your stuff up to your room," Liadra chimed. "Okay, thanks Liadra. I hope I'll see you later." I told her, earning a nod and a goodbye from her.

I quickly left the room, reaching out and sensing where Kylo's presence was. I could almost feel his distressed force signature pacing in our room.

I walked up to the door, entered the code, and practically ran into the room. He immediately turned around to face me, relief etched onto his features. I smiled, running into his arms. 

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