backstory p.5 & p.6

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                                             ————- ✼ ————-

Outer Rim, 7-years-old

𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I shivered against the chilly paneling of the Millenium Falcon. Leia had offered to take me away from my slavery several weeks ago and had restored me to a healthy state, but I had yet to arrive at the Jedi temple. 

I was currently dressed in a tunic-like outfit, which was surprisingly comfortable. I didn't quite understand the importance behind it, but I assumed that I would learn soon enough at the temple. 

Leia had been like a mother to me. 

She helped me through everything, including the nightmares. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a growl coming from a corner of the room. A furry mass was making its way over to where I was sitting. My breath quickened as I stared wide-eyed at the creature. 

"Say hello to Chewie, y/n." Leia spoke softly, patting 'Chewie'. I grinned as the creature bent down to my height, letting me pet his soft fur. "Hiya, Chewie! I'm y/n!" I announced, thrilled that I had made a new friend. Chewie made a purr-like sound, leaning into my touch. 

I laughed, feeling how similar his fur felt to my hair.

"Can I braid your hair, Chewie?" I asked cautiously, unsure of what he would do. Back on Naboo, I learned how to create complex and exquisite hairstyles. Chewie nodded, moving his chair so that I had a better angle. We were in the ship's cockpit, where I always loved to be. I enjoyed watching space zoom by right in front of my eyes. 

"You should take that as a compliment, y/n," Leia said with a smile. "Chewie never lets anyone go near, let alone braid, his hair." I smiled widely at Leia's remark, focusing harder on plaiting Chewie's hair. 

Several minutes later, a fairly large planet came into view, causing me to stop my work on Chewie's hair. The planet was green and blue, with slightly gray spots. 

"Welcome to Yavin 4, y/n," Leia announced, glancing down at me to see my reaction to the giant planet. 

"GGWWWRGHH!" Chewie exclaimed excitedly, swinging his hands cheerily through the air. I stared at the planet in awe. 

Leia had plaited my hair on the side, pulling it out of my face. I glanced up at her, unsure of what was going to happen. "Once we land at Luke's temple, I'll introduce you, then you're on your own, kiddo." She explained casually. I nodded, excited for this new chapter in my life. 

We landed a short time later in a grassy meadow, and I immediately noticed a rather large pond deep in the field. 

The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the temple, along with several separate huts towards the side of the clearing. I clapped cheerfully as Chewie gently grabbed my hand, leading me outside. 

Leia was right by my side, glancing around. 

My eyes landed on a middle-aged man who was walking towards us with a welcoming smile on his face. Leia chuckled beside me, rushing over to hug the man. My eyes widened as I realized who this man was. I let go of Chewie's paw, carefully walking towards Luke. 

The Reign of Darkness (Kylo Ren x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon