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𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I opened my eyes to the feeling of cold, barren sheets beside me. I groaned as my brows furrowed, reaching out across the sheets, only to pull my hand away as I felt nothing. Kylo was gone, which probably meant that it was late in the morning. 

My eyes widened as I quickly scurried out of bed, my energy now fully restored.

Once I got dressed in my uniform, I noticed a note placed delicately on my nightstand.


I hope that you have your energy back. I've on a small mission to surveil Ajan Kloss, where the new rebel base is located. I'll only be gone for a day. I didn't tell you last night because I didn't want to worry you. Phasma is with me. If you need anything, you know how to reach me.


I smiled at the handwritten note, folding it and placing it into a pocket in my dress. It was very late in the morning, probably even close to lunchtime. I sighed, not feeling hungry yet. I decided to take a break from mischievousness and actually get some work done. There had to be something that I could do around this massive ship. It had been a few months since I first got here, and I pretty much knew my way around. 

I felt an odd feeling of anticipation today, like somewhere inside of my mind, I knew something was going to happen.

Such a shitty feeling.

I shook my head furiously, trying to rid myself of the treacherous and borderline dangerous thoughts plaguing my mind.
I needed a distraction.
I stood up, reluctantly making my way towards Hux's station. Although we got off to a bad start, Hux didn't seem to be too pissed at my presence nowadays. The halls were full of staff rushing around, eager to finish their work for the day. I smiled politely at a few of them, thankful that I had my full energy back.

Although appreciated the respect that I was given with the uniform and the rank, I often missed the feeling of being a nobody. The feeling of being free. Being able to go where I wanted to when I wanted to. It seemed as though people knew me wherever I went, and it was slightly unsettling.

I wasn't being held captive on the ship, but it almost felt like I was. I was with Kylo, and I was comfortable, but I didn't feel free

Was this really what I wanted my life to be now? 

Forever walking aimlessly down cold halls, feeling people's eyes rake up and down my body like I was a piece of meat. I was sick of it. I felt like a pawn in a game of chess that was bound to break.

I hated that feeling.

I knew that I had the choice, and I could leave, but all the same, I couldn't. I had to be here.


I could sense Hux standing nearby a big glass window overlooking the galaxy, ironically where I had talked to Master Luke weeks ago. I gazed at him for a moment, his expression catching me off guard. Everything about him was as stoic as normal, everything but his eyes. 

I recognized that look.

It was hard to describe, but quite indifferently, it was incredibly easy to find. A spark of hope & pride, only to be polluted with darkness, turmoil, and pain.

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