forgotten fate

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𝙮/𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

I huffed, wiping sweat from my forehead as I breathed in heavily. Phasma looked as though she was barely breaking a sweat, which made me feel even worse. Maybe I wasn't as prepared as I had thought. I groaned, turning my lightsaber off as I took a few steps back. We had been practicing for several hours, taking only a few short breaks. 

"We can be done for the day. See you tomorrow, same time, l/n." She said, putting her weapon back and walking out of the room, leaving me alone to relax for a second. I liked how no-bullshit Phasma was. She didn't sugarcoat anything, she just did things without caring what anyone thought. 

I jerked my head around, feeling another presence by the open door. My eyes landed on Kylo, who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. 

"So this is where you ran off to." He commented with a chuckle, taking a few steps towards me.

I nodded, my breathing still slightly uneven from the training. "Training with Phasma," I explained, glancing up at him. He nodded slowly. "We don't see Palpatine until the end of the week, and I don't think you need to train for the visit." He said, seemingly confused as to why I was training. 

I didn't blame him, I would be confused, too.

"Well, always good to train on a daily, right? Make up for all that time I missed on Naboo." I replied as we walked side by side out of the training room and down the halls. He nodded again, keeping his gaze ahead. "I have a meeting in a little while." He stated, glancing down at me. Surprisingly, Kylo was actually really terrible at his time management. A little while could mean either five minutes or five hours. 

I smirked slightly, an idea forming in my mind. 

"Can I braid your hair?" I asked playfully, turning and stopping so that I was in front of him. We had time to kill, and what better way to fill it than with my old favorite activity.

He narrowed his eyes at me for a moment, probably wondering if I was being serious or not. "Why?" He asked suspiciously, crossing his arms. "Because! Just like the old days." I whispered, grabbing his arm and pulling him down the halls towards our quarters. 

He let me drag him, eventually using the force to open the door. I quickly made my way onto the bed, kneeling as I patted the spot in front of me. He reluctantly sat down at the edge of the bed, placing his helmet on a nearby table. He sighed, trying to seem as though he wasn't excited.

"Remember when I used to do this back at the temple?" I asked nostalgically, running my fingers through his wavy black hair. "Sadly." He muttered, relaxing into my touch. I snickered, parting his hair as I began the twin french braids. I wouldn't braid all the way down, just enough to keep the hair out of his eyes. 

"Lies! I know you secretly love it." I protested, working my fingers skillfully through his hair.

He huffed in mock-annoyance, leaning his head back into my working hands. I smirked, scraping my fingernails against his scalp slightly. He groaned quietly, closing his eyes in contentment. The room was quiet as we fell into a comfortable silence, thinking about all of those times I braided his hair back at the temple. 

It was strange. It felt like it all happened yesterday, but in reality, it all took place a lifetime ago.

A few minutes later I heard Kylo sigh, glancing gloomily at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "I have to go, angel, but I'll be back soon. I promise." He whispered, kissing my cheek quickly before waving and leaving the room. "Bye," I muttered, throwing myself down onto the bed as my hands folded on top of my stomach. 

The Reign of Darkness (Kylo Ren x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora