As I was sitting on the bed, there was a sudden knock on the door and so I stood up to open it, just to see both of my parents standing in front of the door.

" Yasha, we will come back home very lat—." Father says and so I then interrupt him, not letting him to finished what he's about to say.

" Yeah sure, bye." I said and was about to closed the door again, when he just spoke again.

" We will be home late because King Akuma's little girl has gone missing inside their mansion and they couldn't find her. " Father says and so I looked at him with my widened eyes.

( That little pumpheaded pumpkin is missing!? )

( Did someone kidnapped her?! )

( Who the hell Kidnapped her!? )

" That little girl's family is panicking and the news about their missing child is already spreading out so fast across the entire underworld, even the elite demons are now looking for King Akuma and Runa's daughter." Mother says

( That dummy pumpheaded pumpkin is really a trouble maker little demon ever! )

" So are you two going to looked for that little demon too?  " I said and both of them nod their head.

" I want to come and join for finding her too. " I said

" No, you're going to stay in here." Mother says.

( If that is the case, what the fuck is the reason that they need to inform me about this?! )

( If they don't want me to come and join them looking for my cute little pumpheaded pumpkin demon?! )

" You will be staying in here and that's final." Father says.

" Okay. " I said and I then just slam the door in front of their face, that was actually so rude of me, for slamming the door in front of my parents face but I won't be feel sorry about that.

( Yeah right, do they really think I'm going to obey them? )

( Not for now.)

( I can't just let that pumpheaded little pumpkin demon just got kidnapped by some random demons in here! )

( She could be hurt by that demon! )

I then went inside again to my secret room and opened the treasure box where the candy that my little pumpheaded pumpkin demon give to me.

I then grab a piece of paper and i wrote so many places on each paper that I know, and I used my power to find the place where that little pumpheaded pumpkin is by using the candy that she give to me.

This is actually areally difficult thing to do, just to find a missing demon's whereabouts, especially when that kidnapper brought you to a place that no demons can't locate it.

But in the meantime, while I was holding the candy on my hand, I accidentally let the candy slip on my hand and it fell on the floor.

The candy that the little demon give to me that I treasured so much.. Happened to smashed and broke into tiny pieces on the floor, where I put all the white papers and wrote places on it.

( Fuck.)

( My special candy! )

" Oh fuck!, my fucking... My  fucking candy!!!!!  " I said out loud as I then kneel down to picked up each broken pieces of the candies on the floor.

" No! My poor baby candies! No No! They are all dead now!" I said

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, oh my goodness!! My candies turns into tiny pieces! And my pumpkin is missing too!! " I said as I was nervously picking up all the candies on the floor that were on the ground.

( Oh my goodness!!! My can-..)

While I was picking up all the candies, I just realized, all the pieces of the candy landed on the Demon Black Market that I wrote on the paper.

" Black market? " I said and then I place my right hand on my mouth to cover.


( Did that mother fucker kidnapper is planning to sold my cute little pumpheaded pumpkin!? )

( Oh no you don't!!! )

" I'll rip that mother fuckers body into tiny pieces! " I said and then went outside of my secret room and I  then also grab a black umbrella since it is really raining so heavily outside.

I then created a black portal which it will lead me to the black market, where that cute little pumpheaded pumpkin demon is.

( I'll kill that demon who ever kidnapped that little dummy and trouble maker little pumpkin! )

( That freaking demonapper will taste the eternal inferno of the fire prince.)

*After A Few Minutes or So.*

While I was walking around the demon black market, there were so many demons in here selling weird stuffs of course they would.

There are even some dangerous things that they are selling in here too some are actually illegal.

The Demon Black Market is a really dangerous place for small childrens especially for that dummy pumpkin!!!

" I just saw a cute little girl with a cat passing by in here, she is so very adorable." I heard one of the demons says and so I immediately approached them.

" Excuse me, but may I know where that little girl just went to? " I said as they then look at me.

" Oh, I saw her in front of Lady Natalie's clothes shop earlier but when she comes out it was pouring rain heavily already, and her small cat with her comes back with a pink umbrella, and she later on passed this way again and to that direction. " The woman says and so I then walked as fast where she pointed her finger at.

As soon as I followed the way where she was pointing her finger, I then just saw a lot of group of demons gathering around and when I was about to approach them, I saw a small pink umbrella running away from those group of people and I saw Velthzaor which I know that is the cat that she summon in the class.

I then smiled and run as fast as I could and when I saw her and where she was going to, I then smiled and walked closely and when I reach to her and I place my palm on her head and she later on look up at me.

" Yasha? " she says

After finding her like a fe wminutes and told her how dangerous this place is.

I then finally carries her to my arms once again, and she is little lighter than I thought, I thought she would be actually pretty much heavy right now.

But she wasn't. I then just created a black portal again to return her to her home, her mother and father and that two bastards are really worried about this pumpheaded pumpkin so, I really need to return back again before everything will gets worst.




Being Adopted By A Demon (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now