Period accidents (part 3)

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Y/n's POV
It has been 4 days since I got my period, meaning I still had it.

I was currently sitting on the couch next to Steve, who was on my left, and Soda who was on my right. Johnny and Pony were reading a book on the floor, Two was right next to them watching Mickey, Dallas was sitting in one of the arm chairs with a cancer stick hung in his mouth, while Darry was in the other arm chair reading the paper. It was around  6 o'clock so everybody was off work and just chilling like usual. We had already had spaghetti for dinner earlier.

Just as I'm watching Mickey, my cramps start to hurt. So I walk to kitchen and grab 3 aspirins and swallow them with a glass of water. "Ah" I finish gulping down the rest of the water before putting the cup in the sink.

I walk back out to the living room. "Whatcha get?" Darry asked curiously.

"Just some aspirins" I say as I sit back down in between Soda and Steve.

"Why?" Soda, of course had to ask in front of the whole gang.

"I just have a stomach ache" I said annoyed. I stared at the tv but I could see everyone glancing or looking at me.

"What are you all looking at!?" I suddenly spat out, looking from one another. I didn't mean to snap, but it's not my fault I'm in a mood, it's just my hormones. I just get mad when I have cramps and their all staring at me 'like mind your own god damm business' I thought to myself. Nobody said anything for a minute.

"Jeez somebody's in a mood" Steve had to open his big mouth.

"Look, It's not my fault I get my period. it's not my fault I'm in a mood. If you had periods you would be in a bad mood to, so you can just shut your trap and mind your own god damm business Steve." I snap back.

"Hey, language Y/n" Darry said. I just rolled my eyes and went back to the tv. That left Steve speechless and everybody stopped staring immediately and continued on with what they were doing.

"Are periods really that bad though?" Soda asked. Everyone immediately turned to be weary, waiting for an answer.

"Yes..okay?" I huff. "At least I only got 2 more years to go" I sign and look back at the tv.

Everyone in the gang is giving me weird looks. Twobit, however, is laughing up a storm.

"Umm..most girls have their period for around 40 years" Soda said slowly.

lWHAT!" I practically yell.

lYou didn't know that?" Soda asked. I shook my head. Everyone started laughing and giggling.

I grabbed a pillow and shoved my face into it "UGHHH!" I muffled into the pillow. How could this get any worse? Tears started to form in my eyes and drip into the pillow.

Soda mist have heard my sniffles. "What's wrong, baby?" Soda asked softly. Baby is just a nickname the gang calls me.

I bring my face out of the pillow and wiped my eyes. "I have to go through this 7 days a week, every month, for 40 YEARS!..and you're asking me what's wrong?" I say. Soda just puts his arm around me. I sign and lay back against the couch. Great, now everyone knows.

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