Curtis sister (jumped)

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Y/n's POV (13 years old)
I was walking home by myself today. Pony and Johnny have track practice, and Two-bit got detention for pranking a teacher. Typical Two-bit.

Anyways, I was about 3 blocks away from the house when I hear footsteps trailing behind me. I glance back to to see a boy, a soc. I start walking a little faster to try to get home but that didn't work. The boy ran in front of me so I couldn't walk anywhere. He looked about Soda or Steve's age. I tried not to show any fear.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You" he smirks.

"No. Now move" I say, trying to push past him. But the boy pushed me back and hooked me in the face. I yelped in pain.

"That's what you get. tell your brother Ponyboy to stay away from my girl, Cherry" he says before walking away. Before he did, he kicked me in the stomach. I had enough. I managed to get back up in my two feet, when I did I flicked my switch open from my back pocket and pointed it at him.

Flash back~
"Okay open mine next!" Twobit says excitedly. I giggle and take the small box from his hand. I open it carefully to revel a nice switch blade. It's wooden, sharpe, and just..beautiful. "Aw thanks twobit! I love it" I hug him with a huge smile. "That's to Protect yourself" he says. I smile.
End of flashback~

"Look at that, little Curtis got a switch" the boy says. "Fuck off" I warn. He laughs and comes up to me. I attempt to cut him but he knocks it out of my hand. He punches me in the face, sending me to the ground.

He punched me in the face a couple times, I already had tears falling down my cheeks by now. I could feel the cold, hard, metal of a few rings on his fingers, cutting my cheeks. He finally stopped and walked away.

Once he was out of sight, I just sat there and cried. I felt tears running down my cheeks, and down my neck. Ten minutes went by when I realized sitting here crying wasn't doing any good. I slowly start to get up, holding my stomach in process. I walked my way slowly back to the house.

I opened the front door to see Darry, Soda, Steve, and Dally. Darry noticed me first and immediately rushed over to me.

"Y/n! what in gods name happened?" He said softly but anxiously at the same time. He examined my face. I could only imagine how bad my face looked by the way it ached. The rest of the guys crowded around me.

"Who did this?" Soda asks softly, brushing a piece of hair behind my eye. "A soc" I say.

"What!" Dallas shouted.

Darry signed "where was Pony he is suppose to walk you home?..and Twobit and Johnny?" He asks now with a little bit of anger.

"Pony and Johnny have track, and Twobit got detention" I explain.

"I'm gonna kill Twobit, he knows not to get detention for this reason" Darry says angry. Soda puts a hand on his shoulder "Lets just get her cleaned up first" he says. Darry nods.

"What god damn soc was it, Y/n?"Dal asks angrily, ready to beat who ever did this. "Just give me a name. Any name"

"I-I don't know..he had a f-few rings..A-and blonde curly hair" I say shakily through tears.

"Same damn soc that got Johnny!" Dal cursed, storming out the door, probably to go find that soc.

Darry and Soda took me to the bathroom "here..sit" Darry motions to the wooden stool. I take a seat. Steve sat on the sink, supervising and listening to everything.

"So tell me..why'd this soc do this?" Darry asks while opening the first aid kid.

"Oh since when do Socs need a reason to jump greasers" Soda charms in.

"No it wasn't just that. He said to tell Pony to stay away from 'his girl', Cherry" I explain. Just then I hear the front door slam. "Ponyboy Micheal Curtis, get your ass in here" Darry shouts.

Pony comes in and when he sees me, almost gasps. "Oh my god, what happened?" He asks.

"Socs is what happened because you weren't there to walk your little sister home" Darry said. Pony now had a guilty expression.

"'s not his fault" I say sadly. He looks at me and his eyes soften. "Sorry Pony" he turns to him.

"No your right, I'm sorry Y/n that I wasn't there for you" he says.

Hey, It. Ain't. Your. Fault" I give him a reassuring smile, which he returns. I then feel a sharp sting on my cheek. "Ouchh Darry" I whine.

"Sorry honey, I gotta clean it though" he gives me a sad smile. I nod. He puts the cotton ball back on my cuts. I wince as Soda lets me squeeze his hand.

A few minutes later, he had finished with my cuts. "There all done" Darry pats my knee

Thanks" I say.

"Course, but next time, you wait to walk home with one of the guys" he kisses my head.
It was around 8pm now and we were all sitting in the living room watching Mickey. "Who ate all the popcorn?" Steve asks looking in the bowl.

"You did" we all say in sync.

"I'll go make some more" Darry offers. Just then Dallas came in through the front door.

"Don't worry Y/n, got that soc good for ya" were his first words. He sits down next to me.

"Thanks Daly" I smile. He pats my head. Half way through the movie, Dal started playing with my hair. I started to feel my eye lids getting heavier, as darkness took over me.

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