Curtis sister X Dal (trouble)

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Y/n's POV
Dal and I were walking around town for the day, since my two oldest brothers were working, and the rest of the boys were either at the movies or doing absolutely nothing. Darry liked having one of the boys keeping an eye on me when he's not around.

Dal pulled out a cancer stick as we walked.
"I don't know how you can stand those things" I say, referring to the smokes. He lit it and took a puff.

"Oh come on Y/n, there not that bad..."-he pulled out another one from the pack-"here, try it" he says, handing it to me. I've never smoked before and I definitely never wanted to.

"I'm okay...Darry would skin me" I pass his offer.

He scoffs "you're scared" he says with that cocky smirk of his.

"No I'm not! I just care about my health, okay?"

"Okay, well why don't we do something that doesn't involve your health.." he suggests. I look at him with a questionable look.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He smirks before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the nearest store, which was a local corner store.

"Dal-what are you.." I trailed off as I looked at him.

"Okay just follow my lead" he says as he holds my hand while we walk into the store. He lead me to the back of the store, as I'm still sending him questionable looks. He then glanced back at the cashier and saw he was busy with a customer.

Dallas slowly grabbed a pack of kools from the shelve and he did something unexpected. He pulled the front my shirt as he attempted to stuff the pack of cigarettes in my bra. I tried to protest, knowing Darry would kill me if he ever found out I was stealing, smokes of all things.

"Dal-no-stop-what are you-" I whisper yell at him through gritted teeth. He ignored me and continued trying to sneak the pack in my bra.

"Hey, kids!" the clerk suddenly hollered. Dal immediately stoped, doing something unexpected once again. He pressed his lips against mine, as one of his hands held my back and the other on my neck. He fully started making out with me now. I just went along with it.

"Hey, take your business else where kids!" The clerk ordered. Dal stoped kissing me and looked over to him.

"whatever" he mumbled as he took my hand and walked out. As soon as we stepped outside I slapped his chest.

"What the hell Dal!?" I exclaim. The smart ass chuckles "what?" He says as he takes the pack out of my bra. Oh, that cocky asshole.

"What?..We almost just got caught because of your stupid ass! Do you know what Darry would do to me!?" I raise my voice.

"Calm down man, the guy thought we were just making out. He didn't even notice" he says cooley.

"And about that, why would you kiss me like that!?" I ask. Secretly, I didn't mind but Dallas still had no right.

"What? You rather get caught and get arrested then having my lips on yours for what? 5 seconds" he says sarcastically. I roll my eyes as him and I started walking back home.

He chuckles "besides..I know you didn't mind it" I heard him mutter. I couldn't say anything but keep walking.

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