Curtis sister (sick) pt.4

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I heard a nurse say "Mr.Curtis?"...

We all immediately looked up. Darry stood up and shook the doctors hand. "Dr. Andrews"he introduces himself. "Darry" he says back.

"How is she?" Darry asked anxiously. The rest of us followed to stand beside Darry, looking at the doctor for an answer.

"Well.." he looks through his clipboard. "Were still working on her at the moment. Her temperature is very high at the moment, we've been trying to keep it down but it keeps rising. I believe she does in deed most likely have a sickness, possibly a case of serve stomach flu...But there are some gaps of what happen that doesn't make sense to us quite yet. She hasn't woken up yet, So It'd be helpful if I could ask you a few questions?" The doctor asks. Darry nods.

"Of course" he reply's.

"Okay, lest take a step over here for a moment"the doctor gestures a couple feet down the hallway.

"I'm coming to...if that's alright?" I ask. I just want to make sure everything is okay with my sister and I could possibly be helpful with some of the questions for Darry. The doctor nods.

Dr. Andrews, Darry, and I followed the doctor a couple feet away, as the rest of the gang stood and either chatted quietly or stayed silent.

"So..have you noticed anything off about Y/n in the past week, days, or even months lately?..Random sickness, headaches, ect?" The doctor asks. Darry and I look at each other and shake our heads.

"No I don't believe so" Darry says. I nod in agreement. Dr. Andrews writes down something in his clipboard.

"Has Y/n started mensturation?" He asks, as he looks up at both of us. Darry and I look at each other with a weird look.

"Uhh.." I cut in for Darry "Yes, she has" I answer. He then again, writes down more in his clipboard.

"Okay...and you were telling me early that she passed out twice, correct?" He asks. Darry and I both nod.

"Yes..first in the morning when she said she wasn't feeling good, then in the afternoon again when she wasn't feeling good as well" Darry explains.

"Okay well.." Dr. Andrews closes his clip board.
"We'll need to talk to Y/n when she wakes to find some more answers. But for now, hold in there okay" the doctor comforts. Darry and I nod. "Thank you" he says as he shakes his hand.

Just before he walks away I catch him "wait Dr. Andrews?" I ask. He turns around. "Yes?" He answers. "When can I see my sister?" I ask.
"Well I suppose you can see her right now if you'd like but only brothers for now. Room 108" he says. "Thank you" I thank him.

Darry and I walk back to the gang. "So what was that about?" Pony asks, the rest of the gang are curious to.

"Just needed some questions about Y/n and what happened" I explain. They all nod. "The doctor said we could see her now but only Darry, Pony, and I...sorry guys" I give a sad look, especially to Dal because I know Dal cares for Y/n, we all do.

"It's okay buddy. You guys go we'll stay here" Steve says.

"Are you guys sure?..I mean Steve, don't you still have work?" I ask.

"Nah, boss told me it was okay since it was an emergency. He's getting Ralph and Chuck to cover our shifts don't worry" he cools.

Darry, Pony, and I walk into room 108. My heart broke to see my sis in such terrible state. She looked pale as a ghost, but yet still burning up. She looked pretty weak to just lying there, wires connected to her to keep her blood pressure and temperature, stuff like that.
I walked over to her and sat in a chair beside her as I held her hand. Darry sat beside me while Pony stood with a frown on his face.

Just then the dr. Andrews had came back in with a few other nurses to make sure her blood pressure and temperature was okay and stuff.
"So when will she wake up?" I ask.

"Hard to say..It could be seconds, minutes, or hours...but I'm almost certain she'll wake today" he gives a slight smile. Thank god.

All of a sudden a beeping noise went off. I look around. "Doctor, her temperature is very high and rising again" another nurse said.

"Okay...It'd be helpful if you guys could wait outside for now, I'm sorry. We just need some space to get her temperature back down or she'll overheat" he explains quickly.

I didn't want to leave her, I really didn't but if it's for the best... Darry, Pony, and I had left the room so the doctors could do there job. As soon as we got out I heard Pony sob.

"It's gonna be okay Pones, she just needs to get better" Darry comforts. By now, Darry and Pony were hugging while crying. This was bound to happen sometime. I walked over and included myself in the hug, joining their breakdown.

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